ID: Q134336
3.10 3.50 WINDOWS
The information in this article applies to:
Note: This docerr has been fixed in the Windows NT 4.0 beta docs.
The Microsoft Win32 Software Development Kit (SDK) Multimedia online Help documentation incorrectly states that a thread handle should be used for the dwCallback parameter of the WaveInOpen() function when its fdwOpen parameter is CALLBACK_THREAD. Instead, the dwCallback parameter should be a thread ID. The address of the thread ID is returned as the last parameter of the CreateThread()function, which is used when the thread is created.
This documentation error occurs in the following online Help files:
Microsoft Win32 SDK Multimedia online Help included on July 1995 Microsoft Developer Network compact disc; Search on "Advanced Audio Techniques," "Waveform Audio," and "Waveform Audio Reference," Topic: "WaveInOpen."
Microsoft Win32 SDK Multimedia Reference online Help file included in Microsoft Windows 95 online documentation; Search on "WaveInOpen CALLBACK," Topic: "WaveInOpen."
Additional query words: kbsound 3.10 3.50
KBCategory: kbdocerr
KBSubcategory: MMWave
Keywords : kbmm MMWave
Version : 3.10 3.50
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: May 13, 1998