PRB: Dithered Brushes Are Not Supported in DIB Sections

ID: Q137370

The information in this article applies to:


Dithered brushes do not work in device contexts that have DIB sections selected into them. If you create an HBITMAP using CreateDIBSection(), select it into a memory DC, and then attempt to use a dithered brush returned by CreateSolidBrush() to draw into the DIB section, the brush will not be drawn with a dithered color.


To handle dithered brushes, the GDI relies on certain colors being available in particular positions in the palette. DIB sections do not have to have these colors in their color table, so the GDI cannot rely on the necessary colors being available for dithering.


This behavior is by design.

Additional query words: 4.00 3.50 bitmap solid fillrect hbrush

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Last Reviewed: March 2, 1999