When creating a bar or column chart in Microsoft Excel version 2.20
and 3.00, category axis labels can be covered by negative
bars/columns. There are several options to solve this problem:
- Select the category axis and choose Patterns from the Format menu.
The default setting for Tick Label location is Next To Axis, which
causes the labels to be overwritten. Choosing High or Low will
place the labels above or below the chart, respectively.
- By selecting the category axis, then choosing Font from the
Format menu, other alternatives can be seen, such as:
a. Formatting the text in the Outline or Shadow formats.
b. Choosing White Out formatting, which places a white box around
the text block.
c. Choosing White for the background color, which also places a
white box around the text block.
- Use unattached text to position the category information in the
correct location.