FastTips: Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Setup Issues Q&A

ID: Q104397

3.11 WINDOWS kbsetup kbdisplay kbfasttip kbtshoot kbatwork

The information in this article applies to:

1. Q. What are the system requirements for Microsoft Windows for
      Workgroups version 3.11?

   A. Windows for Workgroups 3.11 requires a 386SX or higher machine
      and a minimum of 3 megabytes (MB) of memory (4 MB is recommended).
      Windows for Workgroups requires a minimum of 13 MB of free disk
      space (or 18 MB if you install all components). Upgrading over
      Windows for Workgroups 3.10 reduces these free disk space
      requirements to a minimum of 3.5 MB (or 8.5 MB for all components).
      Upgrading over Windows 3.1 requires a minimum of 6.5 MB (or 9 MB
      for all components). Workgroup Connections require 320 kilobytes (K)
      of free conventional memory and 1 MB of free disk space. Windows for
      Workgroups 3.11 requires a VGA or higher video adapter.

2. Q. How do I start Windows for Workgroups version 3.11 in standard

   A. Because Windows for Workgroups 3.11 uses protected-mode drivers and
      NDIS 3.0, it does not support standard mode.

3. Q. How do I set up Windows for Workgroups version 3.11 for an EGA

   A. Windows for Workgroups 3.11 does not ship with display
      drivers for EGA, CGA, or Hercules Monochrome displays. 

4. Q. Can I use Windows for Workgroups version 3.11 without a network?

   A. Windows for Workgroups 3.11 does not require a network
      installation. To install 3.11 and use its non-network enhancements,
      select the No Network option during Setup. This option is available
      for users who want the speed enhancement and Microsoft At Work PC
      Fax features of 3.11 but are not connected to a network. You can
      also start Windows for Workgroups 3.11 without network components
      by simply typing the command WIN /N.

5. Q. I'm having difficulty installing Microsoft Windows for
      Workgroups version 3.11. What should I do?

   A. Complete information on installing Windows for Workgroups 3.11 is
      contained in Chapter 2 of the "Windows for Workgroups 3.11 User's
      Guide." The following are some general setup tips:

      1. Before you run the setup program, start your machine with
         minimal CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files.

      2. Set up Windows for Workgroups in a new directory.

      3. Workgroup Connections should be installed to a new directory; do
         not upgrade over Windows.

      4. During Setup, if your machine stops responding (hangs), Setup may
         have recognized your hardware incorrectly. To correct such
         problems, please refer to Chapter 2 of the "User's Guide."

6. Q. Where can I find more information about setup entries and the
      setup of supported network adapter cards?

   A. To properly configure your network adapter card, refer to the
      complete instructions in Appendix D of the "User's Guide."
      The following are some general tips:

      1. Entries referring to Workgroup and Computer names should be
         limited to 15 characters. All other share names should conform
         to the MS-DOS file-naming convention.

      2. Choose Custom Setup so that you can modify the network adapter
         card configuration.

      3. Be aware that some cards may be software configurable. The
         Windows for Workgroups network adapter card installation
         software configures some of these cards. However, most
         software-configurable cards must be reconfigured using the
         software provided with the specific card.

7. Q. Where can I find information on installing third-party network
      protocols and adapters?

   A. Information on installing third-party networks and protocols can
      be found in Appendix C and Chapter 9 of the "User's Guide." The
      following are some general tips:

      1. TCP/IP and DLC are supported protocols under Windows for
         Workgroups 3.11. You can obtain information about using these
         protocols by calling Microsoft Sales at (800) 426-9400.

      2. IPX and IPX ODI protocols are supported under Windows for
         Workgroups 3.11.

      3. If your network adapter card is not on the Network Adapter
         Compatibility List, obtain the NDIS driver specific to your
         network adapter card and the OEMSETUP.INF file from the vendor
         of your network adapter.

8. Q. How can I install Windows for Workgroups 3.11 on all
      workstations from a network server?

   A. To set up Windows for Workgroups 3.11 from a network server, first
      run SETUP /A from the installation disks and specify the network
      drive and directory when prompted. When you have completed this
      step from each workstation, change to the network directory from
      which you ran SETUP /A, and run SETUP /N on each user's workstation.
      (The installation disks are not required at this point.) This
      command sets up the user directory for the user.

KBCategory: kbsetup kbdisplay kbfasttip kbtshoot kbatwork KBSubcategory: wfw wfwg awfax Additional reference words: tshoot 3.11

Last Reviewed: December 22, 1998