ID: Q96132
The information in this article applies to:
You can use keywords to easily query for specific topics in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. This article contains keywords for Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Internet Mail and News, Microsoft NetMeeting, Windows for Workgroups, MS-DOS, Windows Sound System, and Video for Windows. By using these keywords, you can quickly access common topics. These keywords are commonly found at the bottom of an article on the KBSubcategory line.
Major Topic
Minor Topic KBSubcategory
Product Keywords
Downloadable version of MS-DOS 6.2x Step-Up bbsstepup
Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS 5 for IBM PS/2 doswin
Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS 5 Upgrade doswin
Microsoft Windows with Multimedia Extensions mmwin
Microsoft Natural Keyboard mnk
Microsoft MS-DOS msdos
Microsoft Pen Windows (Windows for Pen Computing) penwin
MS-DOS 6.2x Step-Up stepup
Video for Windows vfw
Workgroup Connections for MS-DOS wc
Windows version 3.0 and 3.0a win30
Windows version 3.1 and 3.11 win31
Windows for Workgroups 3.1 and 3.11 wfw
Windows for Workgroups (preferred) wfwg
Workgroup Add-On for MS-DOS wgao
Windows Printing System wps
Windows Sound System wss
Windows 95 Preview Program wpp95
Windows 95 win95
Windows 98 win98
Microsoft Network msnetwork
Microsoft Phone msphone
Microsoft Voice msvoice
Microsoft SideWinder game pad gamepad
Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows 98 msiew98
Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows 95 msiew95
Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows 3.1 msiew31
Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows NT msient
Microsoft Internet Explorer for Macintosh msiemac
Microsoft Internet Explorer for UNIX on Sun Solaris msieunix
Microsoft Internet Mail for Windows 95 inetmailw95
Microsoft Internet News for Windows 95 inetnewsw95
Microsoft Internet Mail for Windows 3.1 inetmailw31
Microsoft Internet News for Windows 3.1 inetnewsw31
Microsoft Internet Mail for Macintosh inetmailmac
Microsoft Internet News for Macintosh inetnewsmac
Microsoft Internet Mail for Windows NT 4.0 inetmailnt
Microsoft Internet News for Windows NT 4.0 inetnewsnt
Microsoft NetMeeting for Windows 95 netmtgw95
Microsoft NetMeeting for Windows NT netmtgnt
Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard for Windows 95 webpostw95
Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard for Windows NT 4.0 webpostnt
Microsoft Personal Web Server for Windows 95 mspwsw95
Microsoft Personal Web Server for Macintosh mspwsmac
Microsoft Windows 95 OEM Service Release 2 osr2
Microsoft Chat for Windows 95 mschatw95
Microsoft Chat for Windows NT mschatnt
Microsoft NetShow for Windows 95 netshoww95
Microsoft NetShow for Windows 3.1 netshoww31
Microsoft NetShow for Windows NT netshownt
Microsoft NetShow for Macintosh netshowmac
Microsoft NetShow for Unix netshowunix
MS-DOS Component Keywords
MS-DOS DoubleGuard Dblguard
MS-DOS DoubleSpace Dblspace
MS-DOS DriveSpace Drvspace
Microsoft Defragmenter Defrag
Microsoft Anti-Virus for MS-DOS MSAV
Microsoft Backup for MS-DOS MSBackup
Microsoft ScanDisk ScanDisk
MS-DOS multiple-configuration issues Multi-Config
Disk/Memory Management DiskMem
Third party disk compression ISVCompress
Long filename LFN
Windows, Windows for Workgroups, and Windows 95/98 Component Keywords
Microsoft Anti-Virus for Windows MWAV
Microsoft Backup for Windows MWBackup
Microsoft At Work PC Fax AWFax
General Protection Fault GPF
Remote Access Services RAS
Unrecoverable application error UAE
Windows Startup issues WinBoot
Windows communications/serial WinComm
Windows driver-related information WinDrvr
Windows memory WinMem
Windows Shell issues WinShell
Batch files WinBatch
TrueType font issues WinTTF
Plug and Play issues WinPNP
Telephony issues WinTAPI
Exchange issues w95exchange
Microsoft Plus! issues WinPlus
Windows 95 Service Pack 1 ServicePack1
Dial-Up Networking dun
DriveSpace Drvspace
FAT32 issues WinFat32
Games included with Windows WinGame
Microsoft System Information Tool issues SysInfo
Multiple Monitor issues MultiMon
Advanced Power Management (APM) issues WinAPM
MS-DOS-based programs issues WinDOS
Miscellaneous Component Keywords
Third party network issues 3rdPartyNet
Microsoft network issues MSNets
Network protocol utilities NetUtils
NDIS 3.x protocol issues NDIS3x
NDIS 2 protocol issues NDIS2
Network hardware issues NETHW
Application compatibility AppsComp
Microsoft Network Keywords
Sign-up issues msnsignup
Connection, modem, and access issues msnconnect
Bulletin board issues msnbbs
Chat issues msnchat
E-mail issues msnmail
Navigation issues msnnav
Interaction with Windows 95 issues msninterop
Setup and upgrade issues msnsetup
Customer account issues msnaccount
Internet issues msninternet
Issues not covered in other MSN keywords msnother
Microsoft Network keywords used in the Home database
for Encarta and Bookshelf articles that apply to MSN.
Information related to Encarta on MSN msn_encarta
Information related to Bookshelf on MSN msn_bookshelf
Additional query words: 95 3.00 3.00a 3.10 3.11 6.00 6.20 6.21 6.22 key
word troubleshooting 1.00 1.00 operating msiexplore inetmail inetnews
inetmeeting mspws kbkeyword
Keywords : win31 msdos win95 win98
Version : WINDOWS:95
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: February 11, 1999