Excel: Rounding Up or Down to a Defined Precision LimitID: Q80478
It is possible to force Microsoft Excel to round numbers either up or
down to a desired level of precision.
To round a number up, use the following formula:
Rounding up to nearest tenth produces the following results:
55.87329 becomes 55.9
55.83000 becomes 55.9
55.80000 remains 55.8
55.87329 becomes 55.8
55.83000 becomes 55.8
55.80000 remains 55.8
if cell A1 contains 1.111
=CEILING(A1,1) will return 2
=CEILING(A1,0.1) will return 1.2
=CEILING(A1,0.01) will return 1.12
=CEILING(A1,0.001) will return 1.112
rounding and set and limit
"Function Reference," version 4.0, page 244
"Microsoft Excel Function Reference," for the Macintosh, version 3.0,
page 133
Additional query words: 2.0 2.00 2.01 2.1 2.10 2.2 2.20 2.21 3.0 significant figure noupd
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Last Reviewed: March 23, 1999