DOCUMENT:Q114425 19-SEP-1999 [win3x] TITLE :WFWG 3.11: How to Create a Boot Disk to Load Real-Mode Network PRODUCT :Microsoft Windows 3.x Retail Product PROD/VER:WINDOWS:3.11 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS: ====================================================================== 3.11 WINDOWS kbnetwork kbsetup kbusage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Windows for Workgroups version 3.11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This article discusses using Microsoft Windows for Workgroups with a floppy disk configuration. Although the information outlined in this article does allow Windows for Workgroups to access the network from a floppy disk, Microsoft does not support this procedure. If the steps or procedures described in this article do not function properly, a standard Windows for Workgroups configuration should be used to access the network. SUMMARY ======= The steps below describe how to create a bootable floppy disk that loads the real-mode network, which allows you to connect to a Windows for Workgroups 3.11 server. Once connected to the server, a full or a network setup (SETUP /N) can be run to a local hard disk drive or to a directory on a server machine. This setup disk is ideal for running a large number of installations to local hard disk drives without needing the Windows for Workgroups 3.11 disks for each installation. This article assumes the following things: - The network hardware is already installed. - All machines are using the same network adapter card with the same hardware settings. (If different network cards are being used, follow the instructions in the note in step 3.) - The workstation has at least 4 megabytes (MB) of RAM if run from a diskless workstation or 3 MB of RAM if run from a machine with a hard disk drive. - SETUP /A will be installed to a C:\WINSHARE directory. - SETUP /N will be installed to a C:\directory. MORE INFORMATION ================ 1. Create a bootable floppy disk. NOTE: If you are using MS-DOS 6.x and you are not using DoubleSpace, you can delete the DBLSPACE.BIN file from the floppy disk to create more disk space. 2. Run an administrative installation (SETUP /A) of Windows for Workgroups 3.11 to a C:\WINSHARE directory. This machine will be referred to as the server machine. 3. From the C:\WINSHARE directory, run a shared network installation (SETUP /N) to the server's hard disk drive (for example C:\KBNETWORK). Use the Custom Setup option to perform the following steps: a. Clear the Set Up Printers and "Set Up Applications Already on Hard Disk(s)" check boxes. b. Select None for the Swapfile setting. NOTE: To create a second floppy disk for a different type of network adapter card, simply repeat step 3 but choose a different directory name when you run SETUP /N. Ensure that the appropriate network adapter card and its settings are detected during Setup. 4. Delete the following files from the C:\directory to free additional disk space for the floppy disk: *.CLN *.WIN BOOTLOG.TXT EMM386.EXE MOUSE.INI MSCDEX.EXE NCDINFO.INI SPART.PAR 5. Copy the contents of the C:\directory to the root of the floppy disk you formatted in step 1. 6. Create an AUTOEXEC.BAT file and a CONFIG.SYS file on the floppy disk with at least the following entries: CONFIG.SYS ========== Files=30 Buffers=20 Lastdrive=z Device=A:\HIMEM.SYS Device=A:\IFSHLP.SYS Device=A:\RAMDRIVE.SYS 1024 512 512 /E NOTE: If the workstation has a hard disk drive, the Device=A:\RAMDRIVE.SYS is not necessary and can be removed from the CONFIG.SYS file. AUTOEXEC.BAT ============ A:\SMARTDRV A+ Path=a:\;w: A:\NET LOGON UserName Password A:\NET USE W: <\\SERVER>\ /p:No Set Temp=C:\ NOTE: <\\SERVER> is the name of the machine that contains the Setup /A (C:\WINSHARE) copy of Windows for Workgroups. <\\ShareName> is the name given to the C:\WINSHARE directory when it is shared. (See step 9 for more information.) 7. Edit the SYSTEM.INI file on the floppy disk and set the DEVDIR entry in the [Network Drivers] section to equal A:\. 8. Edit the SYSTEM.INI file in the C:\directory and delete the AutoStart=FULL line from the [Network] section. 9. Reboot the server machine and run Windows from the hard disk drive. Share the C:\WINSHARE directory from File Manager. 10. Boot a workstation with the floppy disk you created. NOTE: The first time you use this floppy disk, you must reenter the password you entered in the logon line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. 11. At the A:\ prompt, change to the W: drive and install Windows for Workgroups to this workstation's hard disk drive, or just run Windows from the floppy disk by typing "win" (without the quotation marks). NOTE: If you need help using the network commands at the MS-DOS command prompt, you type "net /?" (without the quotation marks) or "net use /?" (without the quotation marks) to access online help and syntax for most network commands. Additional query words: 3.11 boot system disk diskless workstation ====================================================================== Keywords : Technology : kbAudDeveloper kbWFWSearch kbWFW311 Version : WINDOWS:3.11 ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1999.