Cannot Uninstall Briefcase in Add/Remove Programs

ID: Q132653

The information in this article applies to:


When you start the Add/Remove Programs tool to remove a Briefcase from the computer, you find that Briefcase is not listed on the Windows Setup tab, and so it seems that you cannot completely remove a Briefcase from the computer as you can other Windows components.


Once you have installed Briefcase, Windows excludes Briefcase from the list of components that you can uninstall. Windows does so to prevent data loss.


You can still delete any specific Briefcase on your computer by selecting that Briefcase and deleting it as you would delete a folder.


If Windows enabled you to uninstall a Briefcase, any existing Briefcase on your computer would become inaccessible. For this reason, Windows does not give you the option to uninstall Briefcase.

Additional query words: 4.0 win95 removing deleting

Keywords          : kbsetup kbui win95 win98 
Version           : 95 4.00 98
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbprb 

Last Reviewed: January 20, 1999