Excel: Window Menu Does Not Show All Sheets in a WorkbookID: Q85177
Microsoft Excel will only list windows on the Window menu if they are open on the desktop. When you are using Workbooks, the Window menu may only partially correspond to the documents listed in the Workbook Contents window. The best way to switch from one document to another in a workbook is to click the Workbook Contents icon in the lower-right corner of the document, and then double-click the desired document name.
If you would like your workbook documents to appear on the Window menu
or if you would like to arrange them in order to see more than one
document at a time, switch to the Workbook Contents window, select the
desired document, and choose the New Window command from the Window
menu. Repeat these steps for other workbook documents as needed.
You can also hold down CTRL in Microsoft Excel for Windows or COMMAND in
Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, and you can double-click the document in
the Workbook Contents window.
An alternate method is available by using the following macro which
sequentially activates each workbook file and then arranges all of
Microsoft provides macro examples for illustration only, without
warranty either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the
implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular
purpose. This macro is provided 'as is' and Microsoft does not
guarantee that the following code can be used in all situations.
Microsoft does not support modifications of the code to suit customer
A1: Arrange_Workbook
A5: =FOR("x",1,A4)
A8: =NEXT()
A10: =RETURN()
"User's Guide 1," version 4.0, pages 67-69
Additional query words: 4.00a
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Version :
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Last Reviewed: March 24, 1999