Leonardo da Vinci Screen Saver Displays Tank Image BrieflyID: Q134842
When the Leonardo da Vinci screen saver is running, you may see an image
that appears to be out of sequence.
The Leonardo da Vinci screen saver displays a series of manuscript images
in a loop. Near the end of the sequence, an image of a manuscript drawing
of a tank appears briefly near the center of the screen.
The last image in the sequence is of a flying wing positioned at the
bottom right corner of the screen. The tank image appears briefly near
the center of the screen, and then the sequence begins again with the
tank manuscript appearing correctly from the left side of the screen.
This issue can occur in Windows 98 if you upgrade Windows 95 and Microsoft
Plus! to Windows 98.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the products listed above.
Keywords : kbtool winplus win95 win98
Version : 95
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: January 21, 1999