Lotus Macros Using Direction Key Commands May Fail in ExcelID: Q87741
Macros created in Lotus 1-2-3 that use direction keys, or {GOTO} commands, may fail when running in Microsoft Excel.
Lotus 1-2-3 is a character-based full-screen application so its screen size
is fixed at 20 rows by 8 columns. A Microsoft Excel document window can
contain any number of rows or columns.
Direction key commands such as {PGUP} or {PGDN} and {GOTO} commands
move the active cell based on the current page size, instead of the 20
row by 8 column Lotus 1-2-3 standard. As a result, the active cell may
be moved to the wrong location, causing your macro to fail.
"Switching to Microsoft Excel from Lotus 1-2-3," version 4.0, page 36
Additional query words: LMI 4.0 5.0 123
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Last Reviewed: March 26, 1999