MSQuery Err Msg: SCHEMA.INI Is a Read Only File

ID: Q115047

1.00 WINDOWS kbother kberrmsg kbtool

The information in this article applies to:


In Microsoft Query version 1.0, when you attempt to create a data source using the text driver, you may receive the following error message:

   SCHEMA.INI is a read only file

This error message can appear when you try to save the data source in a root directory on any drive.


The SCHEMA.INI includes information about each table (text file) in a data source, including the tables format, the number of rows to scan to determine column types, whether the first row of the table contains column names, and each column's name, data type, and width.


To avoid getting the error message, save the data source to a directory other than the root directory.


"Microsoft Query User's Guide," pages 13, 149-150 "Microsoft Excel User's Guide," version 5.0, pages 447-448

KBCategory: kbother kberrmsg kbtool KBSubcategory: xlquery

Additional reference words: 5.00 schema read-only excel

Keywords          : xlquery 
Version           : 1.00
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: May 22, 1998