ID: Q124612
1.00 2.00 WINDOWS kbtool xlquery
The information in this article applies to:
When you start Microsoft Query, or when you choose Cue Cards from the Help menu in Microsoft Query, you may receive the following error message:
Couldn't find cue cards; Reinstall Microsoft Query
This behavior occurs if Microsoft Query cannot locate the Cue Cards file.
The name of the cue Cards file used by Microsoft Query version 1.0 is CCAPI200.DLL. The name of the Cue Cards file used by Micfosoft Query version 2.0 is CCAPI232.DLL. To avoid receiving this error message, make sure the appropriate Cue Cards file is located in the SYSTEM subdirectory of your Microsoft Windows directory or in any directory that is listed in the PATH statement in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. If you cannot locate this file on your hard disk drive, you must either reinstall Microsoft Query or expand the file from your Setup disks.
The Cue Cards file for Microsoft Query file is located on the following disks:
Application Version Disk Format .Cab File (If Applies)
Microsoft Excel 5.00a 6 3.5
5.00c 9 5.25 EXCEL9.CAB
5.00c 7 3.5 EXCEL7.CAB
7.00a 8 DMF EXCEL8.CAB
Microsoft Office 4.20 23 5.25
4.20 19 3.5
4.30 25 3.5
4.20c 20 ALL MSOFF20.CAB
4.30c 26 DMF MSOFF26.CAB
7.00 19 DMF MSOFF19.CAB
7.00a 19 DMF MSOFF19.CAB
7.00b 19 DMF MSOFF19.CAB
KBCategory: kbtool
KBSubcategory: xlquery
Additional reference words: 1.00 2.00
Keywords : xlquery
Version : 1.00 2.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: September 16, 1996