How to Generate a List of Users

ID: Q149781

The information in this article applies to:


The User Manager application does not provide a method for generating a list of user accounts for a Microsoft Windows NT server or domain.


You can generate a list of user accounts from the command prompt by use of the NET USER command. Using this command without any additional parameters produces a list of accounts on that computer.

To obtain a list of accounts in the domain that a computer is a member of, use the NET USER /DOMAIN command-line option.

You can redirect the output of the NET USER command to a file for printing or other editing. For example, the command

   NET USER > file.txt 

will result in a file with contents similar to those below:

   User accounts for \\SERVER_A

   Administrator            Guest
   The command completed successfully. 

To obtain detailed user account information, edit the captured output to reflect the following and save as a batch file:

   NET USER Administrator
   NET USER Guest 

Detailed account information will be returned. The output of the batch file can also be redirected to a file for further editing or printing.

Additional query words: prodnt

Keywords          : kbnetwork ntdomain NTSrvWkst 
Version           : 3.1 3.5 3.51 4.0
Platform          : winnt 
Issue type        : 

Last Reviewed: February 16, 1999