Oracle Error: Local Kernel Only Supported in Standard Mode

ID: Q116011

1.00 WINDOWS kb3rdparty kberrmsg

The information in this article applies to:


In Microsoft Query, when you try to open a Query file (.QRY) before you log on to an Oracle data source, you may receive the following error message:

   ORA-09301:Local kernel only supported in standard mode


To avoid receiving this error message, do the following to log on to the Oracle data source before you open your .QRY file:

1. From the File menu, choose New Query, and select the Oracle data source.

   Choose Close.

2. From the File menu, choose Open, and open the .QRY file.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

1. In Microsoft Query, select an Oracle data source and create a simple


2. From the File menu, choose save Query. Save the query as TEST.QRY.

3. Quit Microsoft Query.

4. Reopen Microsoft Query.

5. From the File menu, choose Open, and select Query File. Attempt to open


You will receive the following error message:

   [PageAhead][ODBC Oracle Driver][Oracle OCI]ORA-09301:  Local
   kernel only supported in standard mode.

KBCategory: kb3rdparty kberrmsg KBSubcategory: xlquery

Additional reference words: 5.00 database errmsg logon back end backend

Keywords          : xlquery 
Version           : 1.00
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: September 15, 1996