Returning an Array of Sequential Numbers in ExcelID: Q75834
The following article discusses the use of the ROW and COLUMN functions to generate an array of sequential values.
Array formulas generally use arrays that represent a series of values.
Usually each array can be represented by a range of values on the
worksheet and is entered in the form of a reference. If the values in
the array are numerous, however, entering the values on the worksheet
can be cumbersome and manually entering the array can be tedious.
If the values in the array are sequential in nature, the ROW function
is an alternative to manually entering all the values. The ROW
function returns the row number of a specified cell reference. When
the ROW function is used with a range of cells in an array formula, an
array of row numbers is returned. For example, the formula
{=ROW(A1:A10)} returns the array {1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10}. It does not
matter what cells A1:A10 contain, and A1:A10 can be substituted with
other ranges as long as the range of cells fall within the desired
range of row numbers.
Consider the following example. Suppose cell A1 contains the word
"EXISTENTIALISM" and you would like to write an array formula that
places each character in this word in its own cell down column B. The
formula would be entered by highlighting cells B1:B14, typing
"Microsoft Excel Function Reference," version 3.0, pages 34 and 201
"Microsoft Excel User's Guide," version 3.0, pages 276-289
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Last Reviewed: March 22, 1999