SBFM: How to Distribute SBFM Over a Network

ID: Q153277

7.00 7.00a WINDOWS kbsetup kbref kbhowto

The information in this article applies to:


You cannot perform an administrative setup (setup /a) for the Microsoft Small Business Financial Manager for Microsoft Excel (SBFM). However, you can put images of the three disks that ship with SBFM on a network server so that you can install SBFM onto a workstation from this server.

This article outlines the steps for copying the SBFM disk images to a network server.


Though Setup does not include a special network setup mode, you can distribute the Microsoft Small Business Financial Manager for Microsoft Excel over a network (provided you have obtained the appropriate licenses to do so). To do this, follow these steps:

1. On the network server, create a folder called SBFM.

2. In the SBFM folder, create three subfolders and name them Disk1, Disk2,

   and Disk3. The new folders should resemble the following


   where <drive:> is the letter of the network drive.

3. Copy the contents of each of the Setup disks to the appropriate folder
   on the network server (that is, copy the contents of Disk 1 to the Disk1
   folder, and so on).

4. Once the disk contents are copied to their respective folders on the
   network server, connect to this network share from the workstation to
   which you want to install SBFM.

   NOTE: Each workstation must have a local installation of Microsoft Excel
   version 7.0.

5. Start the Setup program from the workstation by double-clicking the
   Setup.exe file that is in the \SBFM\Disk1 folder.

For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q152662
   TITLE     : SBFM: Installation Requirements and Limitations

KBCategory: kbsetup kbref kbhowto KBSubcategory:

Additional reference words: 1.00 7.00 7.00a

Version           : 7.00 7.00a
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: September 15, 1996