DOCUMENT:Q103004 27-FEB-2002 [winnt] TITLE :REG: Network Services Entries, Part 8 PRODUCT :Microsoft Windows NT PROD/VER::3.1 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kbother ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Windows NT Server version 3.1 - Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 3.1 - Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server, version 3.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= The article contains Registry entries for network services, Part 8. These subgroups are included. - Replicator service - Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and RPCLocator software - ClientProtocols and ServiceProtocols entries for RPC - NameService entries for RPC For a listing of the contents of network services entries articles 1-8, see "Network Services Entries, Part 1." Replicator Service Entries -------------------------- The Registry path that contains entries for the Replicator service is the following: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services \Replicator\Parameters CrashDir REG_SZ First-Level Directory Name This item is temporarily recorded in the Registry by the Replicator service. If it remains after a system repair, you can delete this entry using Registry Editor. ExportList REG_SZ List Lists an unlimited number of servers or domains that receive notices when the export directory is updated. These servers subsequently replicate from the export server. If no List value is specified, the export server sends a notice to its domain. Separate multiple List names with a semicolon (;). This value is ignored if the value of Replicate is 2 (Import). Do not use the UNC name when you specify a computer name; that is, do not include two backslashes (\\) at the beginning of the name. Use the Replicator controls in Server Manager or the Server icon in Control Panel to set this value. Default: none. ExportPath REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ Pathname Specifies the export path. All files to be replicated must be in a subdirectory of the export directory. This value is ignored if the value of Replicate is set to 2 (Import). Use the Replicator controls in Server Manager or the Server icon in Control Panel to set this value, which cannot be a UNC name. Default: %SystemRoot%\System32\Repl\Export. GuardTime REG_DWORD 0 to one-half of Interval minutes Sets the number of minutes an export directory must be stable (no changes to any files) before import servers can replicate its files. This option applies only to directories with tree integrity. Default: 2 minutes. ImportList REG_SZ List Lists an unlimited number of servers or domains that receive notices when the import directory is updated. These servers subsequently replicate from the import server. If no List value is specified, updates come from the import server's domain. Separate multiple List names with a semicolon (;). This value is ignored if the value of Replicate is 1 (Export). Do not use the UNC name when you specify a computer name; that is, do not include two backslashes (\\) at the beginning of the name. Use the Replicator controls in Server Manager or the Server icon in Control Panel to set this value. ImportPath REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ Pathname Specifies the path on the import server to receive replicas from the export servers. This value is ignored if the value of Replicate is 1 (Export). Use the Replicator controls in Server Manager or the Server icon in Control Panel to set this value, which cannot be a UNC name. Default: %SystemRoot%\System32\Repl\Import. Interval REG_DWORD 1 to 60 minutes Sets how often an export server checks the replicated directories for changes. This option is ignored on import servers. Default: 5 minutes. PulseConcurrency REG_DWORD 1 to 10 cycles Specifies how often the export server repeats sending the last update notice. These repeat notices are sent even when no changes have occurred, so that import servers that missed the original update notice can receive the notice. The server waits the equivalent of (Pulse * Interval) minutes before sending each repeat notice. Default: 3. Random REG_DWORD 1 to 120 seconds Specifies the maximum time that the import servers can wait before requesting an update. An import server uses the export server's value of Random to generate a random number of seconds (from 0 to the value of Random). The import server waits this long after receiving an update notice before requesting the replica from the export server. This prevents the export server from being overloaded by simultaneous update requests. Default: 60. Replicate REG_DWORD 1, 2, or 3 Specifies the Replicator action, according to the following: Value Meaning ---------------------- 1 Export-the server maintains a master tree to be replicated. 2 Import-the server receives update notices from the export server. 3 Both-the server is to export and import directories or files. Use the Replicator controls in Server Manager or the Server icon in Control Panel to set this value. Default: 3. The Replicator does not use the REPL.INI file as does LAN Manager 2.0. The integrity and extent values (among other items) are stored as REG_SZ values under the Exports and Imports subkeys, which are found under the Replicator\Parameters key. These values are used only by the software and should be maintained only by the system. RPC and RPCLocator Software Entries ----------------------------------- There are no definable parameters of note in the Services subkey for Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and RPCLocator. The important value entries governing RPC are found under the Software key. There are four subkeys: ClientProtocols, NameService, NetBIOS, and ServiceProtocols. Entries are described in this section. ClientProtocols and ServiceProtocols Entries for RPC: The ClientProtocols subkey contains the mappings from client-side RPC protocol name to DLL name. This is the Registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc\ClientProtocols The default values are as follows. All data types are REG_SZ. ncacn_np = rpcltc1.dll ncacn_ip_tcp = rpcltc3.dll ncacn_nb_nb = rpcltc5.dll ncacn_nb_tcp = rpcltc5.dll ncacn_nb_ipx = rpcltc5.dll ncacn_spx = rpcltc6.dll ncalrpc = ncalrpc The ServerProtocols subkey does the same for server-side protocols in this Registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc\ServerProtocols The default values are: ncacn_np = rpclts1.dll ncacn_ip_tcp = rpclts3.dll ncacn_nb_nb = rpclts5.dll ncacn_nb_tcp = rpclts5.dll ncacn_nb_ipx = rpclts5.dll ncacn_spx = rpclts6.dll ncalrpc = ncalrps These subkeys are present for all supported RPC transports, but the mappings for the ncacn_np and ncalrpc protocols are not used. For these transports, the mapping is hardcoded in the RPC run-time code. In the naming convention for the RPC dynamic-link libraries (DLLs): RPC indicates this is an RPC DLL; LT indicates a loadable transport; C or S indicates client-side or server-side; and the number indicates which transport, where 1 = named pipes, 2 = undefined, 3 = TCP/IP, 4 = DECNet, 5 = NetBIOS, and 6 = SPX. NOTE: On 16-bit Windows for MS-DOS systems, these entries in C:\RPCREG.DAT are a subset of this information. For 16-bit systems, we rely upon the user to give the proper LANA's to Setup. In addition, all information in the ClientProtocols section is hardcoded into the run-time, so the section will typically not be present in RPCREG.DAT. Finally, a Windows-based application running under the WOW subsystem will still reference RPCREG.DAT for its parameters, because it does not have access to the Windows NT Registry. NameService Entries for RPC: The NameService subkey contains information used by the RPC Locator service and the client-side RPC NSI calls. This is the Registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc\NameService The subkeys have the following default values when the Locator is the name service provider. All are REG_SZ data types. DefaultSyntax = 3 Protocol = ncacn_np NetworkAddress = \\. ServerNetworkAddress = \\. Endpoint = \pipe\locator Because the Locator only listens to \pipe\locator, it is unwise to change any of the name service values when the Locator is the name service provider. When CDS is the name service provider (via NSID), these entries have the following values. Again, all are REG_SZ data types. DefaultSyntax = 3 Protocol = ncacn_ip_tcp NetworkAddress = ServerNetworkAddress = Endpoint = The value for Endpoint is intentionally left blank in this case. For these value entries, DefaultSyntax specifies the OSF name syntax to use when RPC_C_NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT is specified as the name service syntax to one of the name service functions. The Locator and NSID support only the value of 3. Because NSID forwards requests to CDS, it is possible that NSID actually supports other syntaxes. Protocol, NetworkAddress, ServerNetworkAddress, and Endpoint are used by the system to construct a binding handle to the name service database and then to make an RPC call to fetch the requested binding handles. When CDS is the provider, the NetworkAddress and ServerNetworkAddress entry values should be identical. The other entries can be changed, depending upon the requirements of the NSID implementation. For the current Digital NSID, the defaults are the best values. NetBIOS Entries for RPC: The NetBIOS subkey describes the mapping of NetBIOS-based protocol sequences to LANA numbers. The Registry path is: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc\NetBIOS Each value has the following form: ncacn_nb_baseindex REG_DWORD lana In the format for these value entries, base is either nb, ipx, or tcp, and index and lana are zero-based integers. For example, a computer might have these entries: ncacn_nb_nb0 = 0 ncacn_nb_ipx0 = 1 ncacn_nb_tcp0 = 2 In this example, IPX is on LANA 1, TCP is on LANA 2, and NetBEUI is on LANA 0. As another example, if a computer has two network adapter cards using NetBEUI, the configuration would be the following: ncacn_nb_nb0 = 0 ncacn_nb_nb1 = 1 This information is updated by Windows NT Setup to match the installed network transports, so it should never need to be altered. Schedule Service Entries ------------------------ There are no parameters that can be added for the Schedule service in this path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services \Schedule You use the Schedule service to submit a job such as an executable or batch file to run at a later time. You must define access controls on the Schedule key itself if you want to run in an account that is not an Administrator account. Reference: "The Windows NT Resource Kit for Operating System Version 3.1." Additional query words: prodnt ====================================================================== Keywords : kbother Technology : kbWinNTsearch kbWinNTWsearch kbWinNTW310 kbWinNTSsearch kbWinNTS310 kbWinNTAdvSerSearch kbWinNTAdvServ310 kbWinNTS310search kbWinNT310Search kbWinNTW310Search Version : :3.1 ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2002.