REG: Subsystems Entries, PART 1Last reviewed: May 8, 1997Article ID: Q102971 |
The information in this article applies to:
This is the first of two articles on these entries; for the other entries, see "Registry Entries for Subsystems, Part 2".
REGISTRY ENTRIES FOR SUBSYSTEMSThis section describes software registration entries related to Windows NT subsystems.
MICROSOFT OS/2 VERSION 1.X SOFTWARE REGISTRATION ENTRIESThe basic software information for the Microsoft OS/2 version 1.x subsystem is found in the following Registry path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OS/2 Subsystem for NTThe OS/2 Subsystem key contains several subkeys, but initially only the \config.sys subkey contains an entry. This subkey contains the OS/2 CONFIG.SYS information stored after an OS/2 application has been run on the system. If there is no OS/2 CONFIG.SYS file, this subkey contains this entry:
PROTSHELL=C:\os2\pmshell.exe c:\os2\os2.ini c:\os2\os2sys.ini %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe SET COMSPEC=%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exeThe Os2 subkey under CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems defines the path to the executable file used to start the OS/2 subsystem. The Os2LibPath value under the Session Manager\Environment subkey defines the directory path for the OS/2 library.These entries are described in the article "CurrentControlSet\Control Subkeys".
To disable the OS/2 subsystem, set the value of GlobalFlag to 20100000 in the following subkey:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager WINDOWS SOFTWARE REGISTRATION ENTRIESThe Windows subkey under the following path defines some values used by applications created to run under Windows for MS-DOS:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows AppInit_DLLs REG_SZDefault: Causes all the specified DLLs (one or many) to be attached to all Windows- based applications. This means that once this is set for a session, upon restarting the system, all the Windows-based applications that run in that session will load the specified DLLs. For example, an applications developer can use it to attach the Microsoft Call/Attributive Profiler to all Windows-based applications by calling CAPSETUP.EXE, which sets the AppInit_DLLs so the user doesn’t have to do it through Registry Editor.
DeviceNotSelectedTimeout REG_SZ SecondsDefault: 15 Specifies how much time the system waits for a device to be switched on. If the device is not switched on during this time, the system won’t print to the device. For some devices, the system immediately posts an error message if the device is not already switched on. This entry only defines the system default value. To change the value for a particular printer, use Print Manager.
Spooler REG_SZ BooleanDefault: Yes Specifies whether output to the printer is to be sent through Print Manager. Changing this value to No turns off Print Manager. Used by applications that look for this value in WIN.INI.
swapdisk REG_SZ drive:directory Provides the name of the disk drive and directory to which Windows for MS- DOS in standard mode swaps non-Windows-based applications. Default: The directory pointed to by the TEMP environment variable; if there is no TEMP variable, the default is the boot directory of your first hard disk (usually C:).
TransmissionRetryTimeout REG_SZ SecondsDefault: 45 Specifies the default amount of time for attempted transmission retries. If a successful transmission does not occur during this time, Print Manager displays a message stating that the printer is not receiving characters. This setting serves only as the system default value. To change the value for a particular printer, use Print Manager.
WOW SOFTWARE REGISTRATION ENTRIESSoftware registration values for the WOW subsystem appear under the following Registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WOWThe WOW subkeys have the same names as headings in the SYSTEM.INI file, and the values are the same items as were contained in the Windows for MS-DOS SYSTEM.INI file. All are REG_SZ value types. The information provided here is for troubleshooting only.
WOW asubkey Description and defaults
Boot Lists drivers and Windows 3.x modules, with these entries and default values to map Windows 3.x drivers to Windows NT. <<Provided for applications that seek this information. Mostly ignored, but drivers are loaded from this source, such as MMSYSTEM.DLL. comm.drv = comm.drv display.drv = vga.drv drivers = mmsystem.dll fixedfon = vgafix.fon keyboard.drv = keyboard.drv language.dll = (empty) mouse.drv = mouse.drv network.drv = lanman.drv oemfonts.fon = vgaoem.fon shell = progman.exe sound.drv = sound.drv system.drv = system.drv boot.description Provided for applications that seek this information. Not actually used by the WOW subsystem. Lists names of devices that can be changed using Windows 3.x Setup, with these kinds of entries and default values. display.drv = VGA keyboard.typ = Enhanced 101/102 key U.S. and non U.S. keyboards language.dll = English (American) network.drv = LAN support system.drv = MS-DOS or PC-DOS System Compatibility Used to translate 16-bit Windows APIs and messages to 32-bit equivalents. MAILSPL = 0x40000000 (for MS Mail) SHOPPER = 0x20000000 (for Clip-Art Windows Shopper) SHADOW = 0x10000000 (for BeyondMail installation) WINPROJ = 0x80000000 (for Microsoft Project) ESCAPES = 0x1000000 (for Micrographix Escapes) HIRES=0x00100000 (fro HIRES display cards Keyboard Contains information about the keyboard, provided for applications that seek this information, with these kinds of entries and default values: keyboard.dll = (empty) subtype = (empty) type=4 NonWindowsAPP Contains information used by non-Windows- based applications. This is handled automatically by Windows NT. Unless you manually added values to SYSTEM.INI in Windows 3.x, this subkey is empty. Standard Contains entries specific to running Windows 3.x in standard mode. Unless you manually added values to SYSTEM.INI in Windows 3.x, this subkey is empty.The [386Enh] section is read from the SYSTEM.INI file for 16-bit Windows- based applications that need it. There is no Registry equivalent, because Windows NT ignores this information.
WINDOWS NT SOFTWARE REGISTRATION ENTRIESPrinting and fonts are described in separate sections. Other software registration entries for Windows NT are found in this Registry path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion CurrentBuild, CurrentType, and CurrentVersion REG_SZ Descriptionsr Identifies the current version of the Windows NT. InstallDate REG_DWORD Number Describes the installation date for Windows NT.
PathName REG_SZ PathnameDefault: C:\winnt Defines the path where Windows NT system files are saved.
RegisteredOrganization and RegisteredOwner REG_SZ Name Defines the registered organization and owner, as specified during Setup.
SoftwareType REG_SZ TypeDefault: SYSTEM Defines the type of software for this version.
SourcePath REG_SZDefault: Path for installation media during Setup. Defines the source of the Setup files.
SystemRoot REG_SZDefault: Specified during Setup (typically, C:\winnt) Defines the path for the directory containing the Windows NT files. Reference: "The Windows NT Resource Kit for Operating System Version 3.1".
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