SEND.KEYS Command Equivalent for Parentheses in ExcelID: Q61352
The equivalent of parentheses with the SEND.KEYS() command is
SEND.KEYS("{(}...{)}"). The parentheses must be within a set of curly
braces. This also holds true when using square brackets within the
SEND.KEYS() command.
Any special character, such as plus sign (+), minus sign (-),
multiplication sign (*), percent sign (%), and exponentiation sign
(^), must also be enclosed in a set of curly braces.
"Function Reference," version 3.0, pages 165-166, 214-215
"Functions and Macros," version 2.x, page 321, 353-354, 373
Additional query words: 2.0 2.00 2.01 2.1 2.10 2.2 2.20 2.21 3.0 4.0 4.0a 4.00a 5.0
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Last Reviewed: March 16, 1999