Sysdiff Cannot Be Used to Apply Service Pack

ID: Q163303

The information in this article applies to:


When you build a Sysdiff package that includes a Windows NT Service Pack and apply it to another computer, you may receive the following error message on a blue screen:

STOP: C000021A The Session Manager terminated unexpectedly with Status 0xc0000005


Sysdiff cannot update system components that are currently in use. Sysdiff is designed to install new components only.


Apply the Service Pack in Unattended Setup mode with the UPDATE /U command, or during an Unattended Setup with following method:

  1. Create a distribution share point. Refer to Chapter 4 of the Microsoft Windows NT OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK) User's Guide for more information.

  2. Create the following folders within an existing distribution share point folder. (See the OPK User's Guide for more information about creating a distribution folder.) The following example assumes you already have a distribution folder:

  3. mkdir c:\<dist>\$oem$\C
    mkdir c:\<dist>\$oem$\C\SP3
    mkdir c:\<dist>\$oem$\C\SP3\<i386>
    where <dist> is the name of the existing distribution share point folder, and <i386> corresponds to the platform type (PPC for PowerPC, Alpha for DEC Alpha) you are installing.

  4. Copy all the files from the appropriate platform folder, and two tag files from the Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 compact disc to the SP3 folder. For example, use

  5. copy <d>:\i386\*.* c:\dist\$oem$\C\SP3\<i386>
    copy <d>:\spcdrom.40 c:\dist\$oem$\C\SP3
    copy <d>:\disk1 c:\dist\$oem$\C\SP3
    where <d> is the CD-ROM drive letter and <i386> is the target platform.

  6. Create a Cmdlines.txt file (using Notepad, for example) with the following content. Save the file in the $oem$ folder in the distribution share point
          ".C:\SP3\<i386>\update /u /z" 

    where <i386> is the name of the target platform.

  7. Create or update an existing Unattend.txt file that contains the following line in the [Unattended] section:
          OemPreinstall = yes 

  8. Run Windows NT 4.0 Setup in Unattended mode using the Unattend.txt file. For example:

  9. c:\dist\winnt /u:unattend.txt
For additional on information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : Installing WinNT 4.0 Service Packs During Unattended Install

Additional query words: sysdiff SP3

Keywords          : kbsetup ntstop ntsetup 
Version           : 1.0 4.0 SP3
Platform          : winnt 
Issue type        : 

Last Reviewed: February 6, 1999