DOCUMENT:Q123171 05-FEB-2002 [winnt] TITLE :WINS Event Log IDs 4145 - 4290 (Error Conditions) for 3.5 PRODUCT :Microsoft Windows NT PROD/VER::3.5 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kbnetwork ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Windows NT Server version 3.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This article describes Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) event log IDs 4145 through 4290. These events represent error conditions. Event Log IDs 4145 - 4290 ------------------------- Event Description ----- ----------- 4145 WINS has encountered an error that is causing it to shut down. 4146 Rpl Pull thread is shutting down due to some error condition. 4147 Rpl Push thread is shutting down due to some error condition. 4148 Challenge thread is shutting down due to some error condition. 4149 A Worker thread is shutting down due to some error condition. 4150 An abnormal error was encountered during WINS initialization. 4151 WINS could not set up the database properly. 4152 A worker thread could not be created. 4153 A thread could not be created. 4154 An event could not be created. 4155 The Name Challenge Request thread could not be created. 4156 A key could not be created/opened. 4157 The WINS configuration key could not be created/opened. 4158 The WINS PULL configuration key could not be created/opened. 4159 The WINS PUSH configuration key could not be created/opened. 4160 The WINS PARAMETERS key could not be created/opened. 4161 The Registry change notification event could not be created. 4162 The format of time should be hh:mm:ss. Check value of "SpTime" in the Registry. 4163 The Registry Notify Function returned an error. 4164 The Name Registration Response could not be sent due to some error. This Error was encountered by a NBT request thread. 4165 The Name Registration Response could not be sent due to some error. This error was encountered by a RPL thread. 4166 The Name Registration Response could not be sent due to some error. This error was encountered by the Name Challenge Thread. 4167 The Name Release Response could not be sent due to some error. This error was encountered by a NBT request thread. 4168 The Name Query Response could not be sent due to some error. This error was encountered by a NBT request thread. 4169 A record could not be registered because it already existed. However, the same record then could not be found. The database might be corrupt. 4170 WINS could not create a heap (a portion of memory reserved for the program's use) because of a resource shortage. Check if the computer is running short of virtual memory. 4171 An error has occurred from which WINS will try to recover. If recovery fails, check previous Event log entries to determine what went wrong, and take appropriate action on that error. 4172 WINS could not create the notification socket. Make sure the TCP/IP driver is installed and running properly. 4173 WINS could not create the UDP socket for listening for connection notification messages sent by another thread (PULL thread) in the local WINS. 4174 WINS could not create the TCP socket for listening to TCP connections. Make sure the TCP/IP driver is installed and running properly. 4175 WINS could not create the TCP socket for making a TCP connection. Make sure the TCP/IP driver is installed and running properly. 4176 Could not bind an address to a socket. 4177 Could not listen on the listening socket. 4178 Select returned with an error. 4179 %1 returned with an error code of %2. 4180 GetSockName returned with an error. WINS created a socket and asked bind to bind a handle to it. On calling getsockname to determine the address bound, it got an error. 4181 An attempt to connect to the remote WINS server with address %1 returned with an error. Check to see that the remote WINS server is running and available, and that WINS is running on that server. 4182 Could not accept on a socket. 4183 Could not read from the UDP socket. 4184 Could not read from NETBT. 4185 Could not close a socket. 4186 Sendto could not send all the bytes. 4187 Could not send UDP message to WINS client. 4188 Sendto returned with an error. 4189 Winsock recv function returned with an unexpected error. 4190 WinSock send function returned with an unexpected error. 4191 A message was received on an association. The association is in a bad state. This indicates a bug in WINS code. 4192 Could not allocate a responder association. 4193 Could not allocate an initiator association. 4194 Could not allocate an implicit dialogue. 4195 Could not allocate an explicit dialogue. 4196 Could not look up the assoc block for an NBT association. Check if the message read is corrupted. WINS looks at bit 11-14 of the message to determine if the association is from another WINS or from an NBT node. It is possible that the bits are corrupted or that there is a mismatch between what the two WINS servers expect to see in those bits (maybe you changed the value to be put in code and did not increment the version number sent during association setup. 4197 Could not allocate a UDP Buffer. 4198 Could not free a UDP Buffer. 4199 Could not create a communication subsystem thread. 4200 A WINS thread could not signal the main thread after closing its session. This would be the last thread in WINS closing the database. 4201 A WINS thread could not signal a handle. 4202 A WINS thread could not reset a handle. 4203 An error was encountered in the database. You might need to restore the database from a backup. 4204 Could not update a record with name %1. 4205 WINS could not update the owner id - Address mapping table in the database. This indicates a serious error in the software. It means that the in-memory table that maps to the database table has gotten out of sync with the database table. 4206 The Push Thread was requested for a range of records but could not find any in the range. This is a serious error. Make sure that the time intervals are set properly. If the tombstone interval and timeout intervals are not correct (i.e. too small-- being << the replication interval), the above condition is possible. This is because the records might get changed into tombstones and then deleted before the remote WINS can pull them. In the same vein, if the refresh interval is set to be << replication interval then the records could get released before a WINS can pull them (a released record is not sent). 4207 The Tmm Thread could not be signaled. This indicates that this computer is extremely overloaded or that the WINS application has failed. 4208 Tmm could not signal the client thread. This indicates something seriously wrong. 4209 WINS could not get information about a key. 4210 WINS could not get information about the PULL key. 4211 WINS could not get information about the PUSH key. 4212 WINS could not get information about the DATAFILES key. 4213 WINS could not get information about the SPEC_GRP_MASKS key. 4214 WINS could not open a subkey of the PULL key 4215 WINS could not open a subkey of the PUSH key. 4216 WINS could not get the time interval from a PULL record. 4217 WINS could not get the time interval from a PUSH record. 4218 WINS could not get the update count from a PUSH record. 4219 WINS could not close an open key. 4220 WINS Timer thread encountered an exception. 4221 WINS Push thread encountered an exception. It will try to recover. 4222 WINS Pull thread encountered an exception during the process of sending a push notification to another WINS. The exception code is given below in the data section. 4223 A WINS RPC thread encountered an error/exception. 4224 WINS TCP Listener thread encountered an exception. 4225 WINS UDP Listener thread encountered an exception. 4226 WINS Scavenger thread encountered an exception. 4227 WINS Challenger thread encountered an exception. 4228 A WINS worker thread encountered an exception. 4229 WINS Scavenger thread could not scavenge a record. Will ignore this error and continue on to the next record if there. 4230 WINS Rpl Pul Handler could not connect to a WINS server. All retries failed. WINS will try again after certain number of replication time intervals have elapsed. 4231 WINS did not find any subkeys under the PULL key 4232 WINS did not find any subkeys under the PUSH key 4233 An error has prevented wins from updating the database. The database may be corrupt. 4234 WINS is has been asked to pull entries from its own self. Check all the subkeys of the PULL key for this WINS. 4235 WINS was unable to propagate the push trigger. 4236 WINS sent a name query or a name release with a certain transaction id. It got back a response to its request, which differed either in the name that it contained or in the opcode. WINS has thrown the response away. 4237 The Database has been found to be inconsistent. More specifically, the number of owners found in the Name Address Mapping table are different from the number found in the Owner Address Mapping table 4238 The local WINS requested a remote WINS to update the version number of a database record owned by it. The remote WINS could not do it and reported an error. 4239 WINS got an error while registering replicas. It will not register any more replicas of this WINS (address is in data section 4th-8th byte; also check previous log entry) at this time. Please check a previous log entry to determine the reason for this. If this error persists over time i.e. you get the same error during subsequent replication with the above partner WINS, you may want to restore the database from the backup. 4240 WINS got an exception while trying to register a group's replica with name %1. The replica is owned by WINS with address %2. 4241 WINS got an error while trying to register a unique replica with name %1. The replica is owned by WINS with address %2. 4242 WINS got an error while trying to register a unique entry %1. 4243 WINS got an error while trying to register a group entry %1. 4244 WINS got an exception while trying to update the version number of a record in the database. It is not known whether the exception occurred after or before the update. 4245 WINS got an exception while trying to release a record in the database. It is not known whether the exception occurred after or before the release was done. 4246 WINS got an exception while trying to query a record in the database. 4247 WINS received a replica whose state is incorrect. For example, the state may be RELEASED or the replica might be an Internet group that does not have any members (because all members are timed out) but state is not TOMBSTONE. 4248 The Scavenger thread was unable to change its priority level. 4249 A name release request was received for a record that didn't match the unique/group type indicated in the request. The request has been ignored. 4250 A name release request was received for a record %2 that didn't have the same address as the requestor. The request has been ignored. 4251 An exception was encountered while trying send a push trigger notification to a remote WINS. 4252 An exception was encountered while trying service a pull range request from a remote WINS. 4253 WINS was either provided a bad command code or else it got corrupted. 4254 The static data file that is used to initialize WINS database is too big. 4255 An error was encountered during an operation on the static data file %1. 4256 The name of the file after expansion is bigger than WINS can handle. The unexpanded string is %1. 4257 WINS could not do Static initialization 4258 An error was encountered during configuration or reconfiguration of WINS. 4259 Error encountered during configuration/reconfiguration of WINS. 4260 A lock error has occurred. This could happen if the WINS is trying to send a response on a dialogue that is no longer ACTIVE. An implicit dialogue can cease to exist if the association it is mapped to terminates. In such a case, getting a lock error is fine. It is normal. 4261 Wins could not import static mappings from the file (%1). Please verify that the file exists and is readable. 4262 WINS encountered an exception while processing a push trigger/update notification. The exception code is given below. If it is indicates a comm. failure check if the remote WINS that sent the trigger went down. If the remote WINS is on a different subnet, then maybe the router is down. 4263 WINS encountered an exception while processing a pull trigger. 4264 WINS encountered an exception while retrieving data records 4265 The WINS server cannot make/accept this connection since the limit of connections has been reached. Remedy for this is to increase FD_SETSIZE in winsock.h and recompile the server. 4266 The exception was encountered during the processing of a grp member. 4267 The Scavenger thread encountered an exception while cleaning up the owner-add table. It will try again after the Verify Interval has elapsed. 4268 WINS is trying to update the version number of a database record that it does not own. This is a serious error if the WINS server is updating the record after a conflict. It is not a serious error if the WINS server is updating the record as a result of a request to do so from a remote WINS server (when a remote WINS server notices a conflict between an active owned entry and a replica it informs the owner of the replica to update the version number of the record. It is possible that the replica is no longer owned by the remote WINS). Check a previous log entry to determine which situation applies here. 4269 The special group mask specified is invalid. It has either a non- hex character or is less than 32 characters in length. A hex character is in the range 0-F (or 0-f). 4270 Wins tried increasingly sized buffers to get the local name table from NETBT but got a buffer overflow return status each time. 4271 WINS did not get back any names from NETBT when it did an adapter status. 4272 At initialization, WINS creates a security object and attaches an ACL to it. This security object is then used to authenticate RPC calls made to WINS. WINS could not create the above security object. In short, WINS could not initialize with the security subsystem properly. 4273 The client does not have the permissions required to execute the function. 4274 When WINS replicated with its partners, it found that one or more of them thought that it had more data that it actually has. WINS adjusted its counter so that new registrations/updates are seen by its partners. This means that recovery did not work properly. You may want to check which of the partners has the highest version number corresponding to the local WINS. Then shut down WINS and restart after specifying this number in the Registry. 4275 There are too many concurrent static initializations going on. The number of such initializations currently active is given below. This could be either as a result of reinitialization or importings from the WINS Manager tool. Try again later. The number of currently active initializations is given below in the data section. 4276 WINS encountered a memory error. Check to see if the system is running out of virtual memory. 4277 WINS noticed some database corruption. The record with name %1 is corrupt. It could be that recovery from the last crash did not work properly. WINS will try to recover. You may decide however to restore the database from the backup. 4278 The following name (%1) is too long. It has not been put in the WINS database. If you want this long name (> 15 characters), enclose it within quotes. 4279 Record with name (%1) has bad address. It has not been put in the WINS database. 4280 The machine you are running the WINS server on does not have a valid address. When WINS requested the system for the address, it got as the address. NOTE: WINS binds to the first adapter in a machine with more than one adapter bound to TCP/IP. Check the binding order of adapters and make sure the first one has a valid IP address for the WINS server. 4281 WINS encountered an error doing backup of the database to directory %1. 4282 WINS countered an error while deleting the file %1. 4283 WINS encountered an error while deleting one or more records of WINS with address %1. Check a previous log entry to determine what went wrong. 4284 WINS encountered an error while getting the browser names for a client. 4285 The length of the message sent by another WINS indicates a very big message. There may have been a corruption of the data on the wire. WINS will ignore this message, terminate the connection with the remote WINS, and continue on. 4286 The replicator PULL thread of WINS encountered an exception while processing a request. Check other log entries to determine what went wrong. 4287 WINS does not support this functionality as yet. 4288 WINS machine has %1 processors. It has %2 bytes of physical memory It has %3 bytes of available memory for allocation. 4289 Record with name (%1) could not replace another record in the db. The Version number of the record is (%2). The version number of record in db is (%3) 4290 WINS could not come up due to missing/corrupt database. Restore the database using WINSADMN and then restart WINS. If WINS still does not come up, start with a fresh copy of the database. To do this: 1) delete all the files - system.mdb, winstmp.mdb files from the %%SystemRoot%%\system32\wins directory. - wins.mdb from the %%SystemRoot%%\system32 directory or one that you selected through the Registry. - jet*.log files from the %%SystemRoot%%\system32 directory or one that you selected through the Registry. 2) copy %%SystemRoot%%\system32\system.mdb to %%SystemRoot%%\system32\wins directory 3) net start wins Additional query words: rpl NBT NETBT ====================================================================== Keywords : kbnetwork Technology : kbWinNTsearch kbWinNT350search kbWinNTSsearch kbWinNTS350 kbWinNTS350search Version : :3.5 Issue type : kbinfo ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2002.