XL: Calling .DLL Function vs. Visual Basic Worksheet Function

ID: Q126806

The information in this article applies to:


The following information discusses the relative speed and efficiency of calling a function from a dynamic link library (DLL) file versus calling a worksheet function in a Visual Basic, Applications Edition module. The performance issues described below make the assumption that both the Visual Basic function and the DLL function are written equally well.


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The performance you receive calling a Visual Basic function versus calling a DLL function in a module in Microsoft Excel depends on the following factors:

1. When you call a function in a DLL, there is an initial overhead involved

   in loading the DLL (which only happens once but can be slow). Once the
   DLL is loaded, however, the DLL call is quite fast. In terms of pure
   call overhead, a DLL call is probably faster than calling an
   Application.WorksheetFunction() because the DLL call doesn't go through
   IDispatch. Note that the memory consumed by the DLL is in addition to
   the memory already used by Microsoft Excel.

2. If the function that you are calling from the DLL is performing
   operations on a Range, then a built-in worksheet function will probably
   perform faster than the external function. The reason for this is the
   overhead that is involved in transferring the contents of the range
   out of Microsoft Excel and into the external DLL. The built-in functions
   in Microsoft Excel can access the cell table much more efficiently than
   a DLL.

   For example, the following Visual Basic command


   is actually two calls; one to construct a range, and one to call the Sum
   function. Internally, the Sum function adds up the cell contents
   directly without allocating memory. By contrast, the following call to a
   function in a DLL


   is one IDispatch call, and one DLL call (faster). However, within the
   DLL call, there is at least one IDispatch call to fetch the contents of
   the range as an array, an operation that allocates a lot of memory and
   performs a lot of type conversion and copying (much slower), only to
   have it all immediately freed once the sum is taken.

   NOTE: IDispatch is an OLE Automation function that exposes methods and
   properties through a dispatch (DISPID) mechanism as well as
   "collections." IDispatch provides mechanisms to access and retrieve
   information about an object's methods and properties.

3. Calculations that aren't bound by Range contents may be faster in an
   external DLL.

   Note, however, that the algorithms used by the built-in functions in
   Microsoft Excel are very efficient. Unless you can come up with a
   dramatic speed difference, it probably isn't worth the extra time and
   complexity to work with a DLL.

4. A function written in Visual Basic will usually perform more slowly than
   (or approximately even with) a DLL-based function or a worksheet
   function, depending on what the function does.

    - For functions that simply make a number of IDispatch calls to other
      objects, there will probably be little difference between a DLL
      function and a Visual Basic function because the overhead of
      IDispatch and the Microsoft Excel-object is constant regardless of
      who is making the call.

    - Pure math and memory computations are probably faster in a DLL;
      however, Visual Basic is pretty good at these, and you should weigh
      the complexity and cost of a DLL before deciding on this.

5. If there is a Visual Basic run-time function that performs the same
   action as a Microsoft Excel worksheet formula or a Microsoft Excel
   formula-expression, generally the run-time function calculates faster
   than the Microsoft Excel formula. The exception to this rule is factor 2
   above. For example, the following Visual Basic function

      Application.Sum(5, 6)

   calculates slower than a Visual Basic expression of 5 + 6. Note that
   there is not a lot of overlap between these functions because the
   Microsoft Excel worksheet functions that overlapped with Visual Basic
   runtime functions were intentionally not made accessible from Visual
Keywords          : xlwin 
Version           : 5.0 5.0c
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: May 17, 1999