"Certificate of Merit" Does Not Print on Canon BJ-200 Printer

ID: Q106720

The information in this article applies to:


If you create an award certificate in Word for Windows using the Award Wizard, "Certificate of Merit" may not print on a Canon BJ-200 printer using the CANON3.DRV printer driver version 1.0.

The text displays on the screen and in print preview, but it does not print.


The text does not print on the Canon BJ-200 printer if you are using an ATI video driver. If you are using a different video driver, such as the standard Windows VGA video driver, the text prints as expected.

The Canon BJ-200 printer driver does not support the GDI calls needed to print the "Certificate of Merit" text, so Windows calls the video driver. The ATI video driver incorrectly rasterizes the text, so the printer driver does not print it correctly.


This is a problem with the ATI video driver, which is not manufactured by Microsoft.

The ATI products included here are manufactured by vendors independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.


Switch to the standard VGA video driver, supplied with Windows.


When a printer driver does not support certain GDI (Graphics Device Interface) calls, Windows calls the video driver. For example, the video driver commonly rasterizes TrueType fonts for the printer driver. If the video driver supports these GDI calls incorrectly, the printed output is incorrect.

KBCategory: KBSubcategory: Additional query words: 6.0 award.wiz bubble jet canon 6.0a 6.0c word6 winword

Keywords          : kbhw kbprint
Version           : 6.0 6.0a 6.0c
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: February 5, 1998