Bullets, Numbers Align Incorrectly

ID: Q142346

The information in this article applies to:


Numbered or bulleted items do not align correctly when the following conditions exist:

To locate these options, click Bullets And Numbering on the Format menu, and then click Modify.


There is not enough space for the numbered or bulleted items to be right aligned when the "Distance from Number (or Bullet) to Text" is greater than 0 inches. This behavior is by design.


To allow the text to align correctly, increase the hanging indent for the bulleted or numbered items.

Additional query words: Distance from Number to Text Numbered alignment bullets numbers indents indent indented indentation aligning align aligns aligned right left incorrect wrong

Keywords          : wordnt winword ntword macword word6 word7 word95 kbformat 
Version           : 6.0 6.0a 6.0c 7.0 | 6.0 6.0
Platform          : MACINTOSH WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: January 21, 1999