ID: Q112680
6.00 6.00a 6.00c WINDOWS
The information in this article applies to:
When you format certain TrueType fonts with the Kerning For Fonts option selected, the text does not print or display kerned on a Hewlett-Packard (HP) LaserJet Series 4/4M printer. (To locate the Kerning For Fonts option, choose Font from the Format menu and select the Character Spacing tab.)
When you print using the HP LaserJet 4/4M or 4Si/4SiMX printer driver version 1.20, 1.26, or 1.27 (HPPCL5E.DRV) as the default printer, Word does not kern any font for which the printer substitutes a built-in version of the TrueType font. The printer driver does not contain kerning information for these fonts, so Word cannot print them kerned. For example, when you format text for the Times New Roman TrueType font, the printer driver substitutes the built-in version of Times New Roman for which it provides no kerning information.
For a list of which fonts do and do not print kerned, see the "More Information" section below in this article.
By contrast, if you switch to the HP LaserJet Series IIIsi printer driver, which uses the Windows TrueType font instead of a built-in printer font, the fonts print and display kerned as expected.
Word is operating correctly, using the font information from the printer driver. For Word to print the kerned pairs, the HP printer driver must provide the necessary kerning information. To date, HP has not released an HP LaserJet Series 4 printer driver that prints kerning pairs correctly.
Method 1: If you select the Print TrueType As Graphics option in the
printer driver Options dialog box, text prints kerned from Word.
With this option selected, the fonts display kerned only if you
have the appropriate HP font set installed that can render the
screen font as a graphic.
Method 2: Switch your default printer to the HP LaserJet Series IIIsi
printer driver, which uses the Windows TrueType font instead of a
built-in printer font, so the fonts print and display kerned as
The two lists below include the fonts supplied with Word 6.0 as well as fonts from the Microsoft TrueType Font Pack, Microsoft TrueType Font Pack 2, and HP Font Pack.
The following list contains the fonts that do NOT print kerned on the HP LaserJet 4/4M using version 1.20 of the printer driver:
Albertus Extra Bold Albertus Medium Antique Olive Arial CG Omega CG Times Clarendon Condensed Garamond Marigold Times New Roman Univers Univers Condensed
Arial Narrow Arial Rounded MT Bold Bell MT Braggadocio Centaur Century Gothic Colonna MT Contemporary Brush Elephant Footlight MT Light Gill Sans Ultra Bold Kino MT New Century Schlbk New Caledonia Parade
KBCategory: KBSubcategory: kbfont Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a kern hp4/4m 31.v1.20 6.00a 6.00c word6 winword ttf hpiv hp4m hp4si hp4mx hp4ml hplj hplj4 31.v1.20 31.v1.26 31.v1.27
Keywords : kbprint kbFont
Version : 6.00 6.00a 6.00c
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: February 6, 1998