ID: Q106047
The information in this article applies to:
Word 6.0 makes extensive use of a new technology called Rich Text Edit (RTE) dialog boxes. RTE dialog boxes allow you to select multiple formatting options and to see the results of the formatting in the dialog box. RTE dialog boxes that permit the use of formatting shortcut keys and allow typing are called "editable." RTE dialog boxes that merely show a sample that updates as you select different formatting options are "not editable."
An example of an editable RTE dialog box is the Labels tab in the Envelopes And Labels dialog box. The Labels dialog box allows you to type text for a label and to select portions of the text and use CTRL+B to apply bold formatting. The address field shows the typing with the new formatting.
Formats that can be applied with shortcut keys in editable RTE dialog boxes include the following.
Format Shortcut Key
------ ------------
Italics CTRL+I
Underline CTRL+U
Format Font CTRL+D
Underline single words CTRL+SHIFT+W
Double underline words CTRL+SHIFT+D
Create small capital letters CTRL+SHIFT+K
Remove formatting CTRL+SHIFT+Z
You can also use a secondary mouse click (Control click in Word for
Macintosh) inside the text area to bring up the shortcut menu which
allows you to Cut, Copy, Paste, access Font and Paragraph formats.
Non-RTE dialog boxes are those that don't allow or show formatting changes in the dialog box, such as the Go To dialog box (located by choosing Go To from the Edit menu).
Menu Command Tab or Other Field
Insert Caption Caption
Tools Envelopes and Labels Labels Address
Insert Footnote Footnote and Endnote Custom Mark
In a Mail Merge main document:
Insert Word Field If...Then...Else Insert this Text
In a Mail Merge main document:
Insert Word Field If...Then...Else Otherwise this
In a Mail Merge main document:
Insert Word Field Set Bookmark Value
Insert Index and Tables Table of Authorities
Mark Citation Selected Text
Insert Index and Tables Index
Mark Index Entry Main Entry
RTE dialog boxes also allow you to insert field codes (CTRL+F9) and view field codes (SHIFT+F9).
Menu Command Tab or Other Field
Tools AutoCorrect With:
(when Formatted Text option is selected)
Format Style New... or Modify... Preview
Format Style New
Paragraph Preview
Table Table AutoFormat Preview
View Zoom Preview
Insert Index and Tables (any tab) Preview
In setting up Mail Merge labels:
Label Options Details Preview
Insert Index and Tables Table of Authorities
Mark Citation Long Citation
Additional query words: 6.0 winword word6 format labels
Version : 6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: February 6, 1998