ID: Q110577
The information in this article applies to:
The text in Equation Editor 2.0 Help incorrectly states that you can disable in-place editing by changing the ForceOpen entry in the WIN.INI file. The ForceOpen entry is in the EQNEDIT.INI file.
This documentation error is corrected in Equation Editor version 2.0a, which is supplied with Word versions 6.0a and later for Windows.
To obtain Word 6.0c, call the Microsoft Order Desk at (800) 360-7561 and request the Word 6.0c update. If you are outside the United States, contact your local subsidiary. To locate your subsidiary, see the Microsoft World Wide Offices Web site at:
Equation Editor 2.0 Help incorrectly states:
Note: If you prefer editing equations in a separate application
window, you can set the ForceOpen option to 1 in the [Equation]
section of the WIN.INI file. The setting would appear as follows:
ForceOpen = 1
The setting is located in EQNEDIT.INI, not located in WIN.INI, so the
corrected statement should appear as follows (this is how it appears in
Equation Editor 2.0a):
If you prefer editing equations in a separate application window, you
can set the ForceOpen option to 1 in the [General] section of the
EQNEDIT.INI file (located in your Windows directory). The setting would
appear as follows:
KBCategory: kbdocerr
Additional query words: 6.0 Document documentation Error custsales word6 winword fixlist6.0a
Keywords : kbole kbdocerr
Version : 6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: February 6, 1998