Error Generated on Start of Word Wizard

ID: Q127934

The information in this article applies to:


An error may occur when you start a wizard in Word for Windows.


Certain error messages are generated by an incorrect setting in the 1000 Separator value of Control Panel. If this setting is empty (null), it will cause the error. Anything but a null value will allow the wizard to work correctly.


For Windows 95

1. On the Start Menu, click Settings.

2. Click Control Panel.

3. Open Regional Settings and click the Currency tab.

4. Make sure the Digit Grouping Symbol is a ,(comma).

5. Click OK.

For Windows 3.x

1. In the Main group of Program Manager, start Control Panel.

2. Choose International.

3. Under Number Format, choose the Change button.

4. In the 1000 Separator box, type a comma.

5. Choose OK.

6. Choose OK again.

The wizards will now run without error messages.


The following are the error messages generated if the setting is incorrect.

Wizard       Error message

Agenda    -  Error 102 "Command Failed"

Award     -  No Errors

Calendar - No Errors

Fax       -  No Errors

Letter    -  Error 100 "Syntax Error"

Memo      -  Error 100 "Syntax Error"

Newslttr - Error 140 "Dialog control identifier does not match
             any current control"

Pleading - Error 102 "Command Failed"

Resume    -  Error 100 "Syntax Error"

Table     -  Error 140 "Dialog control identifier does not match
             any current control"

KBCategory: kbusage kberrmsg KBSubcategory: kbtemplate Additional reference words: 6.0 6.0a 6.0c winword word6
Keywords          : kbtemplate 
Version           : 6.0 6.0a 6.0c
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: October 3, 1998