Error When Starting Application from Word's Microsoft Toolbar

ID: Q106014

The information in this article applies to:


If you start a Microsoft application by choosing its button on the Microsoft toolbar, the following error message may appear in Word for Windows:

   Word cannot find or run the application, <Name Of Application>

If you choose the Microsoft Mail button on the Microsoft toolbar, one of the following Microsoft Mail error messages may occur:

   The shared Mail extensions list at .\SHARED.INI could not be found.

   -and then-

   An entry in the list of Mail extensions contains a syntax error
   and will be ignored.


The Microsoft application is not registered correctly in the Windows registration database (REG.DAT).

To confirm that this is actually the problem, start the Microsoft application from Windows Program Manager instead. If the application starts without displaying any error messages, the application is not correctly registered in your REG.DAT file.


Do the following to correctly register the application in your REG.DAT file:

1. Start the application from its icon in Program Manager.

2. Switch to Word.

3. Choose the application's button on the Microsoft toolbar. Word

   automatically adds an MSToolbar key to the REG.DAT file that
   includes the path to that application's program file.


Alternatively, you can manually correct your REG.DAT file using the following instructions:

1. In Program Manager, choose Run from the File menu.

2. In the Command Line box, type "regedit /v" (without the quotation

   marks) and choose OK. This starts Registration Info Editor.

3. From the Search menu, choose Find Key.

4. In the Find What box, type "MSToolbar" (without the quotation

   marks) and choose OK.

5. From the Edit menu, choose Add Key.

6. In the Key box, type the name of the application. For example, type

   "MSAccess" or "MSMail" for Microsoft Access or Microsoft Mail,

7. In the Value box, type the path to the program file for the
   application and then choose OK. For example, type
   "C:\ACCESS\MSACCESS.EXE" if you are registering Microsoft Access.
   In the following sample MSToolbar key, Microsoft Access and
   Microsoft Mail are correctly registered:

        |--MSAccess = C:\ACCESS\MSACCESS.EXE
        |--MSMail = C:\WINDOWS\MSMAIL.EXE


The resolution in the previous section enables Word to find the application in the future, but it does not correctly register the application for use by other processes, such as OLE 2 transactions. To correctly register the application for use by all processes, you must merge its Registration (.REG) file, which is supplied with the application, using the following instructions:

Merging a Registration File

Note: Before you perform this procedure, close the application you want to register. For example, to register Microsoft Excel, first close Microsoft Excel.

1. In Program Manager, choose Run from the File menu.

2. In the Command Line box, type "regedit /v" (without the quotation

   marks) and choose OK. This starts Registration Info Editor.

3. In Registration Info Editor, choose Merge Registration Files from
   the File menu.

4. Select the program directory for the application you need to
   register, such as Microsoft Excel.

5. Select the REG file for the application and then choose OK. For
   example, to register Microsoft Excel version 4.0, select XL4.REG
   in the Microsoft Excel program directory.

6. From the File menu, choose Save Changes.

7. From the File menu, choose Exit.

KBCategory: kbusage kberrmsg kbole KBSubCategory: Additional query words: 6.0 linking embedding start launch icon 6.0a 6.0c winword error excel access powerpoint foxpro fox publisher word6 schedule plus schedule+ project msmail access

Version           : 6.0 6.0a 6.0c
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: February 5, 1998