Field Format Switch Case Conversion Types

ID: Q80307

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Microsoft Word for Windows 2.0 have three types of format switches that are used in a field code to format the result of the field: case conversion, number conversion, and character formatting. The following are case conversion format names, using the QUOTE field to illustrate:

   Switch     Description and Example
   ------     -----------------------

   upper      Converts all characters in the field's result to
              Example: {quote "word" \* upper}. Result: WORD

   lower      Converts all characters in the field's result to
              Example: {quote "WORD" \* lower}. Result: word.

   firstcap   Converts the first word in the field's result to initial
              Example: {quote "word document" \* firstcap}.
              Result: Word document.

              Firstcap only works when text is all lower case to begin
              with. If text is all upper case to begin with you must
              include the lower switch before the firstcap switch.
              Example: {MERGEFIELD name \*lower \*firstcap}
              Result:  RICHARD becomes Richard

   caps       Converts all words in the field's result to initial
              Example: {quote "word document processing" \* caps}.
              Result: Word Document Processing.


"Microsoft Word for Windows User's Guide," version 2.0, pages 643, 762 "Microsoft Word for Windows User's Reference," version 1.0, pages 112-114.

KBCategory: KBSubcategory: Additional query words: 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.10 1.1a 1.10a 2.0 word6 winword 6.0 6.0a 6.0c winword2

Version           : 1.x 2.x 6.0 6.0a 6.0c
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: February 6, 1998