How to Customize the Font Assistant in Word Assistant

ID: Q111078

6.00 WINDOWS kbinterop kbusage kbhowto

The information in this article applies to:


In Word Assistant, you can customize the Font Assistant (FA) using its initialization file, FAST.INI. This file is located in the Windows program directory.


Word Assistant installs the Font Assistant in the TrueType Tools group under Program Manager. This utility is used to group fonts, display fonts as printed, and list font characteristics. It is true WYSIWYG. This utility can be modified to better suit your needs. The modification is done through the FAST.INI file, the initialization file for the Font Assistant component of Word Assistant.

Below is a sample FAST.INI file with comments and settings to modify the look of Font Assistant options. For more information about the FAST.INI settings, refer to the Font Assistant Help file. Use the following instructions to open this Help file in Font Assistant:

1. From the Help menu, choose Contents.

2. Select the Reference topic.

3. In the Reference window, select the "Customizing Your FAST.INI File"



Sort By=0                            |Sets display options in Fonts
                                     |in Active Group(s) list box.
                                     |Sort By=0: Sort by name
                                     |Sort By=1: Sort by family.*
                                     |Sort By=2: Sort by serif.
                                     |Sort By=3: Sort by weight.*
                                     |Sort By=4: Sort by width.
                                     |Sort By=5: Sort by contrast.*
                                     |Sort By=6: Sort by X-height.*
                                     |Sort By=7: Sort by PANOSE ID.
                                     |Sort By=8: Sort by ability to
                                     |            be embedded.
                                     |* Can only be set manually in
                                     |  FAST.INI

Show Sample=1                        |Shows Font Samples, if set to
                                     |0 doesn't display Font Samples.

Left=0                               |Sets the position of the Font
Top=0                                |Assistant.
Right=1024                           |
Bottom=499                           |

Sample List=Lorem ipsum dolor sit    |Text sample when you view more
            amet, 0123456789         |than one font at a time.

Sample=PANOSE A B C D E F G H I      |Text sample when you view only
       J K L M N O P Q R S T U       |font at a time.
       V W X Y Z  a b c d e f g      |
       h i j k l m n o p q r s       |
       t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5       |
       6 7 8 9 0 ! ? . , ; : @       |
       # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } [ ] < >   |

Sample Font=Arial                    |Font used for sample font

Sample Size=18                       |Point size used for sample font

Sample Font Size=18                  |Point size used for sample font

When you select a font from the Fonts in Active Group(s) list box, the Font Info button becomes active. When you choose the Font Info button, Font Assistant displays the characteristics of the selected font. The following is a sample Font Info dialog box:

Info Sample=Lorem ipsum dolor sit    |Text used for Sample and
            amet, 0123456789         |Comparable Typefaces.

Info Title Font=Arial                |Font Sample name in Font
                                     |Information is displayed in
                                     |font specified.

Info Title Size=18                   |Font Sample name in Font
                                     |Information is displayed in
                                     |point size specified.

Info Item Size=8                     |Font Sample in Font
                                     |Information is displayed in
                                     |point size specified. Maximum
                                     |value 12 pt. to avoid cropping of

Info Sample Size=8                   |Font Sample in Font

NOTE: Changes will take effect during the next instance of Font Assistant. Exit Font Assistant and restart to have changes take effect.

KBCategory: kbinterop kbusage kbhowto KBSubCategory: Additional reference words: 6.00 ttf winword word6

Version           : 6.00
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: February 5, 1998