List of Typefaces Shipped with Word 6.0 and 7.0

ID: Q106341

The information in this article applies to:


This article contains a list of the typefaces (fonts) shipped with Word version 7.0 for Windows 95 and Word version 6.0 for Windows. Word installs most of these fonts for use by Microsoft WordArt. If you want more fonts, order the Word Assistant application using the coupon in your Word package.


Word 7.0

   Font Name
   Arial Black
   Arial Narrow
   Book Antiqua
   Bookman Old Style
   Bursh Script MT
   Century Gothic
   Century Schoolbook
   Footlight MT Light
   Garamond MT
   Kino MT
   Matura MT Script
   Monotype Sorts
   MS Linedraw
   MT Extra
   Wide Latin

Word 6.0

   Font Name                  Filename

   Algerian                   ALGER.TTF
   Arial Rounded MT Bold      ARLRDBD.TTF
   Bookman Old Style          BOOKOSB.TTF

   Braggadocio                BRAGGA.TTF
   Britannic Bold             BRITANIC.TTF
   Brush Script MT            BRUSHSCI.TTF

   Century Gothic             GOTHIC.TTF
   Colonna MT                 COLONNA.TTF
   Desdemona                  DESDEMON.TTF

   Footlight MT Light         FTLTLT.TTF
   Gradl                      GRADL.TTF
   Impact                     IMPACT.TTF

   Kino MT                    KINO.TTF
   Latin Wide                 LATINWD.TTF
   Matura MT Script Capitals  MATURA.TTF

   MS Linedraw                LINEDRAW.TTF
   MT Extra                   MTEXTRA.TTF
   Playbill                   PLAYBILL.TTF

KBCategory: kbusage KBSubcategory: kbfont Additional query words: install print true type font word6 word7
6.0a 6.0c 7.0 word95 6.0  6.0a 6.0c   winword
Keywords          : kbFont 
Version           : 6.0 6.0a 6.0c 7.0
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: February 6, 1998