Macro to Generate Report of Files Found with FindFile Command

ID: Q96566

The information in this article applies to:


The Microsoft Word for Windows macro included in this article generates a report of the file names found in the Find File dialog box. Use this macro to return a list of the file names that match your Find File search parameters.


The macro displays the standard Find File dialog box; however, after you choose the Close button to exit the File Find dialog box, the macro asks the following question:

   Shall I insert a list of files found in a new document?

If you choose the Yes button, the macro creates a new Word for Windows document and inserts the file names of all files found.


Use the steps appropriate for your version of Word.

Word 2.x

1. On the File menu, click Template.

2. Under "Store New Glossaries and Macros As," select the Global

   option button, then choose the OK button.

   NOTE: This step causes the new FileFind command to be stored in If you want the new command to be template based, select
   the With Document Template option button instead of Global.

3. On the Tools menu, click Macro.

4. Under Show, select the Commands button. In the Macro Name

   box, select FileFind, then choose the Edit button.

5. Delete the text in the macro-editing window and type the following
   macro text:

   Sub MAIN
   Dim dlg As FileFind
   GetCurValues dlg
   Dialog dlg
   NumFiles = CountFoundFiles()
   If Numfiles > 0 Then
   If MsgBox("Shall I insert a list of files found in a new document?" \
   ,292) = 0 Then
    Goto done
   End If
    Goto done   ' no files to report
   End If
   For x = 1 To Numfiles
    Insert FoundFileName$(x)
   Next x
   done:  '<-- Note: Labels MUST be left aligned
   End Sub

6. On the File menu, click Close. Choose the Yes button when
   prompted to save changes to the macro.

7. On the File menu, click Save All, and when prompted, choose to
   save global glossary and command changes.

Word 6.x, 7.0, and 7.0a

1. On the Tools menu, click Macro.

2. In the Macro Name box, type a name like FileList, then choose the

   Edit button (Word 6.x) or the Create button (Word 7.x).

3. Type the following macro text:

   Sub MAIN
   Dim dlg As FileFind
   GetCurValues dlg
   Dialog dlg
   NumFiles = CountFoundFiles()
   If Numfiles > 0 Then
   If MsgBox("Shall I insert a list of files found in a new document?" \
   ,292) = 0 Then
    Goto done
   End If
    Goto done   ' no files to report
   End If
   For x = 1 To Numfiles
    Insert FoundFileName$(x)
   Next x
   done:  '<-- Note: the colon and labels MUST be left aligned!!
   End Sub

4. On the File menu, click Close. Choose the Yes button when
   prompted to save changes to the macro.

5. On the File menu, click Save All, and if prompted choose yes
   to save changes to the Normal template.

This macro causes the Print and Open buttons to become unavailable in the Find File dialog box.

WARNING: ANY USE BY YOU OF THE CODE PROVIDED IN THIS ARTICLE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. Microsoft provides this macro code "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.


"Microsoft Word for Windows User's Guide," version 2.0, pages 765, 784-786

Kbcategory: kbusage kbmacro KBSubcategory:

Additional query words: winword2 2.0 2.0a 2.0a-CD 2.0b 2.0c word7 word6 7.0 word95 winword printout 6.0

Keywords          : kbmacro kbusage
Version           : 2.x 6.0 6.0a 6.0c 7.0
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: July 30, 1997