Missing _MSSETUP.EXE Prevents Setup from Completing

ID: Q106461

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Word for Windows, versions, 6.0 - Microsoft Windows operating system version 3.1


If you run the _MSSETUP.EXE file (located in the Word for Windows Setup subdirectory) prior to running Setup, Word will check for disk space, then generate the error message "Microsoft Word 6.0 Setup was not completed successfully" when you run Setup.


Once you double-click the _MSSETUP.EXE file in File Manager or execute it from the MS-DOS prompt, the file disappears and Setup will not run properly.


To recover the file, do the following:

1. Place Word Disk 1 in the appropriate floppy disk drive.

2. From Program Manager's File Menu, choose Run.

3. On the Command line, type the following:

      <drive>\decomp <drive>_mssetup.ex_ <location>\setup\

   where <drive> is the drive where you inserted Word Disk 1 and
   <location> is the path to your Word for Windows program directory.
   For example:

      a:\decomp a:\_mssetup.ex_ c:\winword\setup\

4. Choose OK.

KBCategory: KBSubcategory: Additional query words: 6.0 DECOMP.EXE flash winword word6

Keywords          : kbsetup
Version           : 6.0
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: February 6, 1998