Number FORM Field Error Message: "A Valid Number Is Required"

ID: Q113140

6.00 6.00a 6.00c WINDOWS kbusage

The information in this article applies to:


The following error message may occur in Word for Windows when you enter a number in a protected Number FORM field:

   A valid number is required.


If the International settings in Windows Control Panel are for a different country than the settings in effect when you inserted the FORM field, Word does not accept your entry in a Number FORM field. Number FORM fields recognize valid data from only one country at a time.

This does not happen with other fields.

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

1. In Windows Control Panel, choose the International icon and switch the

   Country setting to French.

2. In Word, use the following instructions to insert a FORM field:

   a. From the Insert menu, choose Form Field.

   b. Select the Text option and choose the Options button.

   c. In the Type box, select Number.

   d. In the Default Number box, type "2" (without the quotation marks).

   e. In the Number Format box, select # ##0,00 F;(# ##0,00 F) and then
      choose OK.

   f. From the Tools menu, choose Protect Document. Select the Forms
      option and choose OK.

   g. Switch to Windows Control Panel, choose the International icon,
      and switch the Country setting to German.

   h. In the text form field, type "3" (without the quotation marks)
      and press TAB. The following error appears: "A valid number is


Method 1: In Windows Control Panel, choose the International icon. In the

          Country box, select the same setting you used when you created
          the FORM field.

Method 2: If you want to use a different Country setting, delete and
          reinsert the Number FORM field in Word.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Word versions 6.0 and 6.0a for Windows. This problem was corrected in Word version 7.0 for Windows 95.


"Microsoft Word User's Guide," version 6.0, pages 309-314

KBCategory: kbusage KBSubcategory: kbfield Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a formtext winword word6 6.00a 6.00c

Keywords          : kbfield 
Version           : 6.00 6.00a 6.00c
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: February 6, 1998