Setup Hangs After WordPerfect Help Dialog Box

ID: Q110277

The information in this article applies to:


Word 6.0 for Windows Setup may hang (stop responding) after the WordPerfect Help dialog box is displayed (even if you don't choose either button).


This problem can occur in any of the following cases:


Microsoft is researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.


If you are using Norton Desktop for Windows, edit the [boot] section of the SYSTEM.INI file in the Windows directory and change the SHELL= entry from "shell=ndw.exe" to "shell=progman.exe".

If you encounter this problem and you are not using Norton Desktop for Windows, you may be able to correct this problem by changing your memory configuration. For example, free up more conventional memory by loading MS- DOS into upper memory and loading EMM386.EXE.

If you are running MS-DOS 6.0 or later, run MemMaker. Microsoft MemMaker will add the appropriate statements to your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files to optimize your memory.

If you are running MS-DOS 5.0, add the following lines to your CONFIG.SYS file:

   device=c:\windows\emm386.exe noems

For more information on optimizing your memory with MS-DOS 5.0, query on the following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   optimizing and blocks and 5.0

If you are running PC DOS, run RAMSETUP. You must remove or disable (using the REM command) the EMM3896.EXE command from your CONFIG.SYS file before you run RAMSETUP. For more information about RAMSETUP, refer to your PC-DOS documentation.

If a clean MS-DOS and Windows boot do not solve the problem, use the following steps to install Word 6.0 for Windows:

1. Install Everything Except Microsoft Word


   a. Run Word Setup and choose the Complete/Custom installation option.

   b. Choose the desired components for installation, making sure that the
      check box for the Microsoft Word component is NOT selected.

      Setup displays a message stating that the Word component is vital to
      a successful installation. Choose to install without the Word option.

      Setup will then finish, saying that it was completed successfully.

   c. Run Setup again (this will be Maintenance Mode Setup) and select the
      Microsoft Word component.

   If Setup still hangs after you've followed these steps, use the steps
   below to install the remaining files.

2. Manually Decompress the Files

   a. Copy DECOMP.EXE from Disk 1 to the root directory of your hard drive
      or another directory on your path.

      Place Disk 1 in the appropriate floppy disk drive and at the MS-DOS
      prompt, type the following and press ENTER

         DECOMP <drive>:\wwintl.dl_ <WinWord>\wwintl.dll

      where <drive> is the drive letter of the drive that contains Disk 1
      and <WinWord> is the location of your Word for Windows program
      directory. For example:

         DECOMP a:\wwintl.dl_ C:\WINWORD\WWINTL.DLL

   b. Disks 2, 3, and 4 are needed to decompress files that will make up
      WINWORD.EXE. To combine these files, use the following steps:

      1) Place Disk 2 in the drive and type:

            DECOMP <drive>:\winword.e1_ <WinWord>\winword.exe

      2) Place Disk 3 in the drive and type

            DECOMP -a <drive>:\winword.e2_ <WinWord>\winword.exe

      3) Place Disk 4 in the drive and type

            DECOMP -a <drive>:\winword.e3_ <WinWord>\winword.exe

   c. Place Disk 4 (6.0) or Disk 7 (6.0a) in the drive and type

         DECOMP <drive>:\winword6.re_ <WinWord>\winword6.reg

      OFFICE USERS: If any other Office applications are already installed
      on the computer, skip to step f.

   d. Decompress the remaining files.

      The syntax for DECOMP is

         DECOMP <drive>:\<source> <destination>

      where <drive> is the drive where the disk is, <source> is the file's
      original name, and <destination> is the location (directory) and
      filename of the source file after decompression.

      For example, to decompress the first file on the list, type the

         DECOMP a:\compobj.dl_ c:\windows\system\compobj.dll

      Note: The Disk Number column below refers to 1.44 MB disks. Files are
      on different disks in the 720K disk set.

         Disk                         Destination      Destination
         Number         Source        Directory        Filename
         -----------    ----------    ---------------- ------------
         Disk 1         COMPOBJ.DL_   \Windows\SYSTEM  COMPOBJ.DLL
         Disk 1         OLE2.RE_      \Windows\SYSTEM  OLE2.REG
         Disk 1         OLE2CONV.DL_  \Windows\SYSTEM  OLE2CONV.DLL
         Disk 1         OLE2DISP.DL_  \Windows\SYSTEM  OLE2DISP.DLL
         Disk 1         OLE2NLS.DL_   \Windows\SYSTEM  OLE2NLS.DLL
         Disk 1         OLE2PROX.DL_  \Windows\SYSTEM  OLE2PROX.DLL
         Disk 1         STORAGE.DL_   \Windows\SYSTEM  STORAGE.DLL
         Disk 1         SDM.DL_       \Windows\SYSTEM  SDM.DLL
         Disk 1         CTL3DV2.DL_   \Windows\SYSTEM  CTL3DV2.DLL
         Disk 1         SHARERES.DL_  \Windows\SYSTEM  SHARERES.DLL
         Disk 1         TTEMBED.DL_   \Windows\SYSTEM  TTEMBED.DLL
         Disk 7 (6.0)  *MAPIVIM.DL_   \Windows\SYSTEM  MAPIVIM.DLL
         Disk 8 (6.0a)
         Disk 7         OLE2.DL_      \Windows\SYSTEM  OLE2.DLL

      * If cc:Mail is installed, you will have to decompress this file,
        even if other Office applications have been installed.

   e. In File Manager, double-click on the OLE2.REG file to register the
      OLE .DLL files.

   f. In File Manager, double-click on the WINWORD6.REG file to register
      Word for Windows properly.

   g. Finally, create an icon for the Word program:

      1) Switch to Program Manager.

      2) From the File menu, choose New.

      3) Select Program Item. Choose OK.

      4) Choose the Browse button. Navigate through the directories and
         locate WINWORD.EXE. Choose OK.

      5) In the Description box, type "Microsoft Word for Windows" (without
         the quotation marks). Choose OK.

Word for Windows is now correctly installed.


After displaying the WordPerfect Help screen, Word 6.0 Setup tries to establish a DDE conversation with the Windows Shell (typically Program Manager [PROGMAN.EXE]) to determine all available groups. Norton Desktop for Windows doesn't understand some of the DDE commands and hangs.

KBCategory: KBSubcategory: Additional query words: 6.0 winword NDW 1.0 1.1 2.0 2.1 6.0a 6.0c hang hung crash crashed locks locked frozen freezes crashing quit quits word6 stopped crashes bomb frozen

Keywords          : kbsetup
Version           : 6.0 6.0a 6.0c
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: February 6, 1998