Template and User Styles not Saved in Subdocument

ID: Q113735

6.00 6.00a WINDOWS kbusage buglist6.00 buglist6.00a fixlist6.00c

The information in this article applies to:


When you create a subdocument within a master document, Word for Windows does not save any template or user-defined styles with the subdocument. If you open the subdocument and choose Style from the Format menu, Word lists only the built-in, default styles in the Styles box. If you select User- Defined Styles in the List box, Word displays nothing in the Styles box.

Note: To create a subdocument within a master document, choose the Create Subdocument button on the Master Document toolbar.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Word for Windows version 6.0, and 6.0a. This problem was corrected in Word version 6.0c for Windows.


Open the subdocument and then merge the styles from a template or the master document using one of the following methods:

Method 1: a. From the File menu, choose Templates.

          b. In the Document Templates list, type the name of the template
             that contains the styles you want to include in your


             Choose the Attach button and select the template.

          c. Select the Automatically Update Styles option and then
             choose OK.

Method 2: a. From the Format menu, choose Style.

          b. Choose the Organizer button, and select the Styles tab.

          c. In one of the Styles Available In boxes, make sure the name of
             the subdocument appears.

          d. In the other Styles Available In box, select the template
             or document that contains the styles you want to use in your
             subdocument. If the template or document does not appear in
             the list, choose the Close File button (the button changes to
             an Open File button). Choose the Open File button, select the
             template or document you want, and then choose OK.

          e. Select the styles you want to copy to your subdocument, and
             then choose the Copy button.

          f. Choose the Close button.

Method 3: a. From the Format menu, choose Style Gallery.

          b. Select the template that contains the styles you want
             to copy into your subdocument and then choose OK.

KBCategory: kbusage buglist6.00 buglist6.00a fixlist6.00c KBSubcategory: kbformat Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a missing miss delete gone word6 winword save remove deleted deletes saved removed removes
Keywords          : kbformat 
Version           : 6.00 6.00a
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: February 6, 1998