Undocumented Arguments for DisableInput Statement

ID: Q117579

6.00 6.00a WINDOWS kbusage kbmacro

The information in this article applies to:


The DisableInput WordBasic statement responds to the following undocumented arguments:

Argument    Explanation
--------    -----------

   2        Completely disables the ESC key. ESC cancels neither a macro
            nor a dialog box.

   3        Disables the mouse.

   4        Completely disables both the ESC key and the mouse.

   5        Enables the ESC key for canceling both macros and dialog boxes.

   6        Enables the mouse.

Microsoft did not document these arguments because they were not fully tested in time for the release of Word. Microsoft did, however, use some of these arguments in the macros supplied with Word.

Note: Because these DisableInput arguments are undocumented, they may not be included in future versions of the product. Therefore, to ensure future functionality of your WordBasic macros, you may want to use other macro commands instead.


"Microsoft Word Developer's Kit," Microsoft Press, 1994, page 340

Kbcategory: kbusage kbmacro KBSubcategory: Additional reference words: 6.00 undoc parameters 6.00a docerr word6 winword

Version           : 6.00 6.00a
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: August 4, 1997