ID: Q111783
2.x 6.00 6.00a 6.00c 7.00 WINDOWS kbusage kbmacro
The information in this article applies to:
This article describes a very simple example of using dynamic data exchange (DDE) to execute a Word for Windows macro from Microsoft Access. The example in this article has very little error checking and assumes a working knowledge of both products.
The commands used--DDEInitiate, DDEExecute--are very similar between Word and Microsoft Access, so the process should be familiar if you have worked with DDE using Word. One of the challenges of getting this process to work properly is that the command string for running a macro that is sent to Word for Windows is syntactically rigid. The syntax for the macro command in the DDE conversation must be:
[ToolsMacro .Name = "Macroname", Run]
Representing this string in Microsoft Access can look visually confusing
because the quotation marks are used in the command string and also
in the assignment syntax for Microsoft Access. If this were to be written
explicitly it would look like:
c$="[ToolsMacro .Name="+chr$(34)+"macroname"+chr$(34)+", .Run]"
In the example below, this string has been broken up to help explain
how the command line is built. Concatenating these yields the required
syntax for the DDEExecute argument.
q$ is defined as ASCII character 34, which is the quotation mark.
mn$ is the name of the macro that is to be run.
tm$ is the beginning of the ToolsMacro string, and tme$ is the end of
that string.
To create a simple example in Microsoft Access that runs a Word for Windows
1. In Microsoft Access create a sample database called DDEtest.
2. In this database create a new module called DDEExample.
3. In this module create a new function called runmacro(). The code
for runmacro is:
Function runmacro ()
Dim chan As Variant
On Error GoTo Cantstart:
Macrochan = DDEInitiate("Winword", "System")
q$ = Chr$(34)
mn$ = "Amacro"
tm$ = "[ToolsMacro .name ="
tme$ = ", .Run]"
cmd$ = tm$ + q$ + mn$ + q$ + tme$
DDEExecute Macrochan, cmd$
DDETerminate Macrochan
Exit Function
MsgBox "Problem with DDEInitiate"
Resume Next
End Function
4. Create a Microsoft Access form with a single push button labeled Start
that has an Onpush property of "=RunMacro()" (without the quotation
5. Create a Word for Windows macro called "Amacro." For example:
Sub Main
Insert "This is from Amacro"
End Sub
6. Make sure that Word for Windows is running.
7. To watch the Microsoft Access macro and Word function, tile the windows
so that Microsoft Access and Word for Windows are on the screen,
8. Open the form in Microsoft Access and choose the Start button.
Kbcategory: kbusage kbmacro KBSubcategory: Additional reference words: winword2 2.00 2.00a 2.00a-CD 2.00b 2.00c 6.00 word7 word6 winword 7.00 word95
Version : 2.x 6.00 6.00a 6.00c 7.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: August 4, 1997