ID: Q65725
The information in this article applies to:
To mark existing text for revisions in Microsoft Word for Windows, use the Utilities menu's Revision Marks command and do the following:
1. Open the existing document.
2. From the Utilities menu, choose Revision Marks.
3. Select the Mark Revisions box.
Revised text will be marked according to the accepted options. The default is underline with sidebars marking the paragraphs.
If Mark Revisions is selected, any existing text that is deleted will not be deleted, but marked for deletion if revisions are accepted. Any revisions that are selected and deleted will not be marked first; they will be immediately deleted.
To undo an incorrect revision, highlight that text and then select Undo Revisions from the Revision Marks dialog box.
To accept revisions, be certain that no text is highlighted and then choose Revision Marks from the Utilities menu, and choose the Accept Revisions button.
To access revision marks in Word for Windows choose Revision Marks from the Tools menu.
"Microsoft Word for Windows User's Reference," page 294-95 (document number OB-14328-0990)
KBCategory: kbusage KBSubcategory:
Additional query words: 1.x 2.0 2.0a 2.0a- word6
winword CD 2.0b 2.0c
Version : 1.x 2.0 2.0a 2.0a-CD 2.0b 2.
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: July 30, 1997