XL: How to Force Macro Code to Wait for Outside ProcedureID: Q147392
In the versions of Microsoft Excel listed at the beginning of this article, you can use a Visual Basic for Applications macro to run other Windows and MS-DOS applications and procedures. The macro code in Microsoft Excel continues to execute even after the external procedure has been initiated. You must write code to handle delays if Microsoft Excel is to wait for the output from the outside procedure.
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are familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the tools used to
create and debug procedures. Microsoft support professionals can help explain the functionality
of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added
functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific needs. If you have limited
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Sub Appacttest()
' Checks to see if Flag.txt already exists.
FindIt = Dir("C:\Flag.txt")
' If the file Flag.txt has been found then delete it.
If Not Len(FindIt) = 0 Then
Kill "C:\Flag.txt"
End If
' Sets Myapp variable equal to the Shell statement.
Myapp = Shell("C:\Custom.exe", 1)
' Executes the shell statement.
AppActivate Myapp
' Checks to see if Flag.txt can be found yet.
FindIt = Dir("C:\Flag.txt")
' The following While Wend loop will keep Microsoft Excel "suspended"
' until the custom application is complete. This will occur while the
' length of the FindIt variable is equal to 0. Microsoft Excel will
' remain busy until it finds the file Flag.txt, thus making the length
' of FindIt > 0 and ending the loop.
' Check to see if the length of FindIt variable is equal to 0
' chars.
While Len(FindIt) = 0
' Continue to check if flag was created yet.
FindIt = Dir("C:\Flag.txt")
' Continue with more code if needed.
End Sub
Sub WaitForOutput()
If Len(Dir("c:\output.txt")) > 0 Then Kill "c:\output.txt"
If Len(Dir("c:\temp.txt")) > 0 Then Kill "c:\temp.txt"
' Test for previous files and delete them.
Shell "command.com /c dir c:\windows\*.* > c:\temp.txt"
' Run MS-DOS DIR command to pipe the directory of
' c:\windows into an intermediate text file, temp.txt.
On Error Resume Next
' Set error condition to skip to the next line,
' for Name statement below.
Do Until Len(Dir("c:\output.txt")) > 0
' Begin a loop to test for final output file, output.txt.
Name "c:\temp.txt" As "c:\output.txt"
' Attempt to rename temp.txt to output.txt;
' will fail until temp.txt is closed
' Allow for other processes, including the shelled
' procedure above, to continue in the background Loop
'End the loop
Workbooks.Open ("c:\output.txt")
' Open the resulting text file, output.txt, into an Excel worksheet.
End Sub
For additional information, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q129796 How to Determine When a Shelled 32-bit Process Has TerminatedFor more information about Shell function in Microsoft Excel 97, click the Index tab in Visual Basic for Applications Help, type the following text
Q96844 How to Determine When a Shelled 16-bit Process Has Terminated
tell me about the Shell function
Additional query words: 5.0 5.0c 5.00c 8.00 97 xl97 pause
Keywords : kbcode kbprg
Version : WINDOWS:5.0,7.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: July 2, 1999