WD: Word 1.x/2.x Cell References Convert to Absolute References

ID: Q106120

The information in this article applies to:


When you open a Word version 1.x or 2.x for Windows document in the versions of Microsoft Word listed above, Word converts table Expression (=) fields to Formula fields and converts relative table cell references to absolute references. For information on how Word 6.0 and grater exports the same formula fields, see the EXPORT section below.


Word versions 1.x and 2.x use a different notation for referencing table cells than Word 6.0 and greater. Word 1.x and 2.x use a notation row column number reference such as: R1C1 or R3C2. Beginning with Word 6.0, the notation is the same as Excel's, for example: A1 or B3. Below is a sample Expression field as it appears in Word 1.x or 2.x:


Word 6.0 and greater converts the above Expression field to the following Formula field:


In Word 6.0 and greater, you can simplify your Formula field calculations so they no longer use the SUM operator. For example, you can rewrite the above Formula field as follows:


Both Formula fields produce the same result.


If a document is saved in a Word 1.x or 2.x format from versions of Microsoft Word listed above, these absolute references are not re-converted to a Word 1.x or 2.0x format.

For example, when a Word 2.0 document that contains the formula {=sum([r1c1:r1c3])} is imported into Word 6.0, the formula {=sum([r1c1:r1c3])} appears as {=SUM(A1:C3)}. The Word 2.0 formula is converted to Word 6.0 format.

However, when a Word 6.0 document that contains the formula {=SUM(A1:C3)} is exported from Word 6.0 in Word 2.0 format and opened in Word 2.0, {=SUM(A1:C3)} appears as {=SUM(A1:C3)}. The Word 6.0 formula is not converted to the Word 2.0 format of {=sum([r1c1:r1c3])}. The correct field result (the sum of the cells) is retained until the formula field is updated at which point a "!Syntax error" is received.

When a Word 6.0 document that contains the formula {=SUM(A1:C3)} is exported from Word 6.0 in Word 6.0 format and opened in Word 2.0, {=SUM(A1:C3)} appears as {= }; The Word 6.0 formula doesn't retain the Word 6.0 format of {=SUM(A1:C3)} or convert to the Word 2.0 format of {=sum([r1c1:r1c3])}. The correct field result (the sum of the cells) is retained until the formula field is updated at which point an "!Unexpected End of Expression" is received.

WORKAROUND: Unlink the fields before they're updated to retain the original field results. Do this by placing the Insertion Point in the formula field and pressing CTRL+SHIFT+F9, the Unlink Fields key combination.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the versions of Microsoft Word listed above. We are researching this problem and will post new information here as it becomes available.

KBCategory: kbusage KBSubcategory: kbfield kbtable Additional query words: 6.0 calculate calculation word6 6.0a 6.0c 7.0 word95 word7 winword word97

Keywords          : kbfield kbtable 
Version           : 6.0 6.0a 6.0c 7.0 97
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: February 6, 1998