ID: Q121426
The information in this article applies to:
When you print a document from Word for the Macintosh to the Apple StyleWriter or LaserWriter LS, only part of the document is printed. That is, some portions of the document are printed correctly, but other portions are left blank.
NOTE: This problem does not occur in Microsoft Word for Windows.
This problem is caused by an incompatibility between Word and the StyleWriter or LaserWriter LS printer driver.
To turn on the Background Printing option for the relevant printer driver, follow these steps:
1. From the Apple menu, choose Chooser.
2. Select the icon for your printer driver.
3. The Background Printing option should appear below the
Connect To list in the Chooser dialog box. Select the On option.
4. Close the Chooser dialog box.
NOTE: If Background Printing is not available, it could mean that you are running under System 6.0.7 in Finder mode or that you do not have the Background Printing software properly installed. For more information about making Background Printing available, see your Macintosh reference materials.
Apple suggests that customers install the LaserWriter Select 300 driver for use with the LaserWriter LS and the StyleWriter II driver for use with the StyleWriter.
Microsoft is researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
This problem has also been reproduced on the LaserWriter IIsc (also known as the Personal LaserWriter SC). With the LaserWriter IIsc, this problem can be resolved by using the 7.0.1 version of the LaserWriter IIsc driver and ensuring that Background Printing is turned on. Also, it may be necessary to increase the amount of memory assigned to the PrintMonitor application. A setting of 250 is recommended and has been tested successfully with the LaserWriter IIsc from Word 6.0 for the Macintosh.
Additional query words: unintelligible garbled messed up table border missing incomplete part
Keywords : kbprint macword word6
Version : MACINTOSH:6.0,6.0.1
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: February 6, 1998