XL: Overview of ODBC Add-in Functions and ArgumentsID: Q120870
In the versions of Microsoft Excel listed at the beginning of this
article, the XLODBC.XLA ODBC add-in provides Open Database Connectivity
(ODBC) functions that allow you to connect to external data sources
directly. XLODBC.XLA provides functions in both the Visual Basic for
Applications and Microsoft Excel 4.0 macro languages. All of
the functions are macro commands with the exception of SQL.REQUEST and
SqlRequest, which are worksheet functions.
NOTE: The functions SQLBind, SQLClose, SQLError, SQLExec, SQLGetSchema,
SQLOpen, SQLRetrieve, and SQLRetrieveToFile are displayed in the Function
Wizard when the active sheet is a worksheet. However, these functions can
be used only in a macro or module sheet.
The following is a list of the functions provided by XLODBC.XLA and a
description of the arguments for those functions. The arguments for each
function are shown here as they are displayed in the Function Wizard.
Note that there are some discrepancies in the argument naming conventions
used between the Function Wizard and the Help files.
Argument Description
ColNamesLogical True if you want column names returned as the
col_names_logical first row of the results.
Column The number of the result column to be bound.
column Result columns are numbered from left to right
starting with 1. Column 0 provides row numbers.
If you omit column, all bindings for the
connection are removed.
ColumnDelimiter The string to use to separate the elements in
column_delimiter each row of the created text file. If omitted,
a tab is used.
ConnectionNum The unique ID returned by SQLOpen for the
connection_num connection made to the data source.
ConnectionStr Supplies information, such as the data source
connection_string name, user ID, and password, required by the
driver being used to connect to a data source.
Must follow the driver's format (see the
"References" section of this article for
information about where the driver's help file is
located). Strings longer than 255 characters must
be broken into an array of strings.
Destination A string that specifies the name and path of
destination the file where you want to place the results.
An existing file will be overwritten.
DestinationRef A reference specifying the top-left cell where
destination_ref results should be placed. Any previous values
in the destination cells are overwritten
without confirmation. If omitted, results are
placed according to previous calls to SQLBind.
DriverPrompt A number specifying if and how the driver should
driver_prompt prompt for additional needed information for a
connection. Refer to the online help for values.
FetchFirstLogical Important only if MaxRows is specified for
fetch_first_logical SQLRetrieve, and there are more rows of results
than MaxRows available. Use True to return
the first set of rows from the beginning of a
query's results. Then call SQLRetrieve repeatedly
using False to return the next set of rows until
all result rows are returned. Refer to the online
help for details.
MaxColumns The maximum number of columns to be returned to
max_columns the worksheet starting at DestinationRef.
If omitted, all columns are returned.
MaxRows The maximum number of rows to be returned to
max_rows the worksheet starting at DestinationRef.
If omitted, all rows are returned.
NamedRngLogical True if you want each column of the results to
named_rng_logical be declared as a named range on the worksheet.
OutputRef A cell reference where you want the completed
output_ref connection string placed.
QualifierText A string that qualifies the information returned
qualifier_text by TypeNum--only for a TypeNum of 3, 4, or 5.
QueryText The SQL query to be executed on the data source.
query_text Strings longer than 255 characters must be broken
into an array of strings. While common queries use
a standard syntax, there may be differences in
driver limitations and extensions (see the
"References" section of this article for
information about where the driver's help file is
Reference The location of a single cell on a worksheet where
reference you want the results bound as a Range object.
If Reference is omitted, binding is removed for
the column.
RowNumsLogical Used only when destination is included in the
row_nums_logical function call. If rowNumbers is True, the
first column in the result set contains row
numbers. If destination is False or omitted,
the row numbers are not returned.
TypeNum Specifies the type of information you want
type_num returned. Refer to the online help for values.
For more information about individual functions, see the appropriate Help
file. If you are using Microsoft Windows, the ODBC driver Help files are
located in the Windows\System directory and are named DRVXXXXX.HLP. If you
are using a Macintosh, the Help files for Microsoft ODBC drivers are
located in the Microsoft folder and are called "ODBC SQL Server Help" and
"Q+E ODBC FoxPro Driver Help."
"Microsoft Excel 5.0 User's Guide," Chapter 23.
Additional query words: 97
Keywords : kbnetwork kbprg kbualink97 kbdta kbdtacode xlquery
Version : WINDOWS:5.0,5.0c,7.0,97; MACINTOSH:5.0
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: April 15, 1999