Word for Windows NT Registry Settings

ID: Q119857

The information in this article applies to:


Word 6.0 for Windows NT maintains all configuration and user-specific option data in the Windows NT Registry in the following areas:

NOTE: The 32-bit text converters included with Word for Windows NT continue to use .INI files, as do their 16-bit counterparts, for converter-specific settings.


Unlike Word 6.0 for Windows, Word for Windows NT stores all Word-related settings in the Windows NT Registry. The following list contains the Registry keys and values used by Word for Windows NT:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Text Converters

This key lists configuration information for non-Word-specific text converters and is equivalent to the [MS Text Converters] section of the WIN.INI file for Word for Windows.

Value                            Description
-----                            -----------

Import\<converter import         Name of the import text converter.
     classname>\ Name :
     REG_SZ : <converter name>

Import\<converter import         Location of the import text converter.
     classname>\ Path :
     REG_SZ : <path>

Import\<converter import         List of extensions for document files
     classname>\ Extensions :    supported by this import text converter.
     REG_SZ : <extensions>       Extensions are space-separated and not
                                 preceded with a period.

Export\<converter export         Name of the export text converter.
     classname>\ Name :
     REG_SZ : <converter name>

Export\<converter export         Location of the export text converter.
     classname>\ Path :
     REG_SZ : <path>

Export\<converter export         List of extensions for document files
     classname>\ Extensions :    supported by this export text converter.
     REG_SZ : <extensions>       Extensions are space-separated and not
                                 preceded with a period.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics Filters

This key lists configuration information for non-Word-specific graphics filters and is equivalent to the [MS Graphic Import Filters] section of the WIN.INI file with Word for Windows.

Value                            Description
-----                            -----------

Import\<filter import            Name of the import graphics filter.
     classname>\ Name :
     REG_SZ : <name>

Import\<filter import            Location of the import graphics filter.
     classname>\ Path :
     REG_SZ : <path>

Import\<filter import            List of extensions for graphics files
     classname>\ Extensions :    supported by this import graphics filter.
     REG_SZ : <extensions>       Extensions are space-separated and are not
                                 preceded with a period.

Export\<filter export            Name of the export graphics filter.
     classname>\ Name :
     REG_SZ : <name>

Export\<filter export            Location of the export graphics filter.
     classname>\ Path :
     REG_SZ : <path>

Export\<filter export            List of extensions for graphics files
     classname>\ Extensions :    supported by this export graphics filter.
     REG_SZ : <extensions>       Extensions are space-separated and are not
                                 preceded with a period.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools

This key lists configuration information for non-Word-specific proofing tools (spelling and thesaurus) and is equivalent to the [MS Proofing Tools] section of the WIN.INI file with Word for Windows.

Value                            Description
-----                            -----------

Spelling\<lang#>\Normal          Names the dictionary for a given language
     Dictionary : REG_SZ :       and spelling checker.

Spelling\<lang#>\Normal\         Names the DLL for a given language
     Engine : REG_SZ : <path>    and spelling checking engine.

Thesaurus\<lang#>\Normal\        Names the dictionary for a given language
     Dictionary : REG_SZ :       and thesaurus engine.

Thesaurus\<lang#>\Normal\        Names the DLL for a given language
     Engine : REG_SZ : <path>    and thesaurus engine.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools Locations

This key lists location information for shared tools (Equation Editor, WordArt, graphics filters, etc.) and is equivalent to the [MSAPPS] section of the WIN.INI file with Word for Windows.

Value                            Description
-----                            -----------

EQUATION : REG_SZ : <path>       The location of the directory containing
                                 Equation Editor, typically

GRPHFLT : REG_SZ : <path>        The location of the directory containing
                                 all shared graphics filters, typically

MSAPPS : REG_SZ : <path>         The location of the MSAPPS directory,
                                 typically C:\WINDOWS\MSAPPS.

PROOF : REG_SZ : <path>          The location of the directory containing
                                 all shared proofing tools, typically

TEXTCONV : REG_SZ : <path>       The location of the directory containing
                                 all shared text converters, typically

WORDART : REG_SZ : <path>        The location of the directory containing
                                 WordArt, typically

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\Table Files

This key lists location information for Setup Table Files and is equivalent to the [MS Setup (ACME) Table Files] section in the WIN.INI file with Word for Windows.

Value                            Description
-----                            -----------

<program and version number>     Location of Setup Table File for this
     : REG_SZ : <path>           installation, typically

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\New User Settings\Word\6.0

New User Settings can contain all of the same keys and values that are valid for the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Word\6.0 key below except the Data key.


This key lists configuration information for Word-specific user options that are not covered by the Data\Settings value and is equivalent to the [Microsoft Word] section of the WINWORD6.INI file in Word for Windows excluding proofing tools information.

Value                            Description
-----                            -----------

AskForPrinterPicture :           Controls how Microsoft Excel DDE results
     REG_SZ : <0,1>              display:
                                    0  Color
                                    1  Black and white

BitmapMemory : REG_SZ : xxx      Sets the maximum size of bitmap caching
                                 used for graphics. Increase for better
                                 graphics performance. Default cache size
                                 is 1,024K.

CacheSize : REG_SZ : xxx         Sets the maximum size of caching used for
                                 Word documents. Increase for better
                                 performance. The minimum and default cache
                                 size is 64K.

DDETimeout : REG_SZ : xxx        Sets the amount of time Word waits for DDE
                                 messages from another application,
                                 measured in seconds. Default DDETimeout is
                                 60 seconds.

PicEditClass : REG_SZ :          Specifies the object class name for an
     <class name>                alternative drawing server. Default
                                 PicEditClass is "Word.Picture.6."

DateFormat : REG_SZ : <date      Sets the default date format for the DATE
     template>                   field. For example, "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy"
                                 set the default to a result such as
                                 "Tuesday, September 7, 1994."

TimeFormat : REG_SZ : <time      Sets the default time format for the TIME
     template>                   field. For example, "HH:mm" sets the
                                 default to a result such as "15:50."

NovellNet : REG_SZ : <yes/no>    Sets special networking code in Word to
                                 enable Novell networking. Default is No.

MessageBeeps : REG_SZ :          Turns on the beep for message boxes.
     <yes/no>                    Default for MessageBeeps is Yes.

OLEDOT : REG_SZ : <template>     Specifies the document template used when
                                 creating a Word 6.0 document object from
                                 within Word or another OLE application.
                                 Default is NORMAL.DOT.

NoLongNetNames : REG_SZ :        Disables UNC filename support. Default is
     <yes/no>                    No.

                                  Note:  this setting is immaterial in Word
                                  for Windows NT, as this version always
                                  uses the UNC name

NoFontMRUList : REG_SZ :         Specifies whether to hide most recently
     <yes/no>                    used fonts on the Formatting toolbar Font
                                 list. Default is No.

NoOwnerFiles : REG_SZ :          By default, Word creates small owner files
     <yes/no>                    to know who is currently using a file to
                                 avoid two instances accessing the same
                                 file. If this setting is off, Word doesn't
                                 create these files.

NetworkButtons : REG_SZ :        Specifies whether to hide or show the
     <yes/no>                    Network button in dialog boxes such as
                                 Open, Save As, and Open Data Source.
                                 Default is Yes.

UpdateDictionaryNumber :         Specifies the custom dictionary for the
     REG_SZ : <number>           spell checker to add words to; the number
                                 corresponds to the order of the custom
                                 dictionary in the list in the Custom
                                 Dictionaries box in the Options dialog box
                                 of the Spelling tab.

WPHelp : REG_SZ : <0,1>          Specifies whether to use WordPerfect
                                    0  Do not use WordPerfect commands.
                                    1  Use WordPerfect commands.

DOC-Extension : REG_SZ :         The default extension added to Word
     <extension>                 document filenames. Default is .DOC.

DOT-Extension : REG_SZ :         The default extension added to Word
     <extension>                 template filenames. Default is .DOT.

BAK-Extension : REG_SZ :         The default extension added to Word backup
     <extension>                 document filenames. Default is .BAK.

User-DOT-Path : REG_SZ :         The default directory where user templates
     <path>                      are located. The default for USER-DOT-PATH
                                 refers to the TEMPLATE subdirectory where
                                 Word was installed, for instance,

Workgroup-DOT-Path : REG_SZ :    The default directory where workgroup
     <path>                      templates are located. No default is
                                 specified for this setting.

INI-Path : REG_SZ : <path>       The default directory where the user
                                 options stored in .INI files are located.
                                 The default refers to the directory where
                                 Word was installed, for instance,

DOC-Path : REG_SZ : <path>       The default directory in which Word first
                                 proposes to store documents. The default
                                 refers to the directory where Word was
                                 installed, for instance, C:\WINWORD.

Tools-Path : REG_SZ : <path>     The default directory where Word tools,
                                 such as dictionaries, are located. The
                                 default for Tools-Path refers to the
                                 directory where Word was installed, for
                                 instance, C:\WINWORD.

Picture-Path : REG_SZ :          The default directory where the clip art
     <path>                      picture supplied with Word are located.
                                 The default refers to the CLIPART
                                 subdirectory where Word was installed, for
                                 instance, C:\WINWORD\CLIPART.

AutoSave-Path : REG_SZ :         The default directory where the temporary
     <path>                      files Word automatically saves are
                                 located. The default refers to the
                                 directory referenced by the TEMP
                                 environment variable.

Startup-Path : REG_SZ :          Specifies the startup directory used by
      <path>                     Word. The default refers to the STARTUP
                                 subdirectory where Word was installed, for
                                 instance, C:\WINWORD\STARTUP.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Word\6.0\Proofing Tools

This key lists configuration information for Word-specific proofing tools (grammar and hyphenation) and is equivalent to the proofing tools listed in the [Microsoft Word] section of the WINWORD6.INI file in Word for Windows.

Value                            Description
-----                            -----------

Grammar\<lang#>\Normal\          Names the dictionary for a given language
     Dictionary : REG_SZ :       and grammar checking engine.

Grammar\<lang#>\Normal\          Names the DLL for a given language
     Engine : REG_SZ : <path>    and grammar checking engine.

Hyphenate\<lang#>\Normal\        Names the dictionary for a given language
     Dictionary : REG_SZ :       and hyphenation engine.

Hyphenate\<lang#>\Normal\        Names the DLL for a given language and
     Engine : REG_SZ : <path>    hyphenation engine.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Word\6.0\Text Converters

This key lists configuration information for Word-specific text converters and is equivalent to the [MSWord Text Converters] section of the WINWORD6.INI file in Word for Windows.

Value                            Description
-----                            -----------

Import\<converter import         Name of the import text converter.
     classname>\ Name :
     REG_SZ : <converter name>

Import\<converter import         Location of the import text converter.
     classname>\ Path :
     REG_SZ : <path>

Import\<converter import         List of extensions for document files
     classname>\ Extensions :    supported by this import text converter.
     REG_SZ : <extensions>       Extensions are space-separated and not
                                 preceded with a period.

Export\<converter export         Name of the export text converter.
     classname>\ Name :
     REG_SZ : <converter name>

Export\<converter export         Location of the export text converter.
     classname>\ Path :
     REG_SZ : <path>

Export\<converter export         List of extensions for document files
     classname>\ Extensions :    supported by this export text converter.
     REG_SZ : <extensions>       Extensions are space-separated and not
                                 preceded with a period.


This key lists configuration information for Word-specific help files and is equivalent to the [Help] section in the WINWORD6.INI file in Word for Windows.

Value                            Description
-----                            -----------

WPHELP.HLP : REG_SZ : <path>     The location and filename of the Help for
                                 WordPerfect users upgrading to Word. The
                                 default value refers to the WPHELP.HLP
                                 file in the directory where Word was
                                 installed, for instance,

WINWORD.HLP : REG_SZ : <path>    The location and filename of Word's
                                 primary online Help file. The default
                                 value refers to the WINWORD.HLP file in
                                the directory where Word was installed,
                                 for instance, C:\WINWORD\WINWORD.HLP.

WRDBASIC.HLP : REG_SZ :          The location and filename of the Help for
     <path>                      users working with WordBasic. The default
                                 value refers to the WRDBASIC.HLP file in
                                 the directory where Word was installed,
                                 for instance, C:\WINWORD\WRDBASIC.HLP.

PSSHELP.HLP : REG_SZ : <path>    The location and filename of the Help with
                                 information about Word Product Support
                                 Services (PSS). The default value refers
                                 to the WORDPSS.HLP file in the directory
                                 where Word was installed, for instance,

README.HLP : REG_SZ : <path>     The location and filename of the Readme
                                 Help. The default value refers to the
                                 WDREADME.HLP file in the directory where
                                 Word was installed, for instance,

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Word\6.0\Table of Authorities

This key will not exist until the Table of Authorities feature is first used by the specific user that HKEY_CURRENT_USER represents. This key is equivalent to the [Table of Authorities Categories] in the WINWORD6.INI file in Word for Windows.

Value                               Description
-----                               -----------

Category 1 : REG_SZ : Cases         Defines the first category for the
                                    Table of Authorities.

Category 2 : REG_SZ : Statutes

Category 3 : REG_SZ : Other Authorities

Category 4 : REG_SZ : Rules

Category 5 : REG_SZ : Treatises

Category 6 : REG_SZ : Regulations

Category 7 : REG_SZ : Constitutional Provisions

Category 8...16 : REG_SZ : 8...16


This key is equivalent to the [Index] section in the WINWORD6.INI file in Word for Windows.

Value                            Description
-----                            -----------

WW2CrossReferencce : REG_SZ :    Sets the behavior of the Cross-reference
     <0,1>                       command:
                                    0  Use Word 6.0 behavior (default)
                                    1  Use Word 2.0 behavior (placing cross
                                       reference entries wherever they

SortLetterByLetter : REG_SZ :    Sets the behavior of the Index and Tables
     <0,1>                       commands:
                                    0  Sort compiled index word by word.
                                    1  Sort compiled index letter by


Printers are listed under the name of the driver as seen in the Print Setup dialog box (choose Print from the File menu, and then choose the Setup button). This key is equivalent to the section of the same name in the WINWORD6.INI file in Word for Windows.

Value                            Description
-----                            -----------

EnvFeed : REG_SZ : <number>      Specifies which method to use for feeding

EnvBin : REG_SZ : <number>       Specifies which bin to use for feeding

Flags : REG_SZ : <number>        Specifies advanced printer settings.

FixWhiteText : REG_SZ : <0,1>    Do TrueType as graphics if page contains
                                 white text on a shaded background.

FixDrawShowThru : REG_SZ :       Do TrueType as graphics if page contains
     <0,1>                       text that is being clipped by drawing

KBCategory: kbenv KBSubcategory: Additional reference words: 6.0 ntword wordnt winword word6
Keywords          : kbenv
Version           : 6.0
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: August 5, 1997