XL: Temporary File Created When You Save a DocumentID: Q103329
You may receive one of the following errors when attempting to save a document in Microsoft Excel:
Cannot access read-only document <filename>
Disk is full
Document not saved
Document not completely saved
The document is not saved.Document not saved. Any previously saved copy has been deleted
The process that Microsoft Excel uses to save changes to an existing file is interrupted.
When you save a file that you changed in some way on a Windows-based
computer, Microsoft Excel saves the file with a temporary file name and
places this file in the same folder as the original file. This creates a
new file. The original file is then deleted and the temporary file
is renamed with the original file name.
If this process is somehow interrupted, your file may not be saved properly
or you may find one or more temporary files in the folder where you tried
to save your file. In addition, you may receive one of several alert or
error messages.
When you use Microsoft Excel to save a file that you changed in some way on
a Macintosh-based computer, and the program unexpectedly quits, Microsoft
Excel saves the file with a temporary file name. Temporary files are placed
in an invisible folder called Temporary Items in the root level of the hard
disk. When Microsoft Excel unexpectedly quits, this folder becomes visible.
When you restart the computer, this folder is moved to the Trash and placed
in a folder called "Rescued Items from <hard disk name>." You can then drag
the file back to the hard disk to recover it.
The following information lists some of the possible messages you may
receive and explanations as to why you may receive them.
Additional query words: 4.00 tmp temp 4.00a 4.0, 4.0a, 5.0,
Keywords :
Version : MACINTOSH:5.0,5.0a; WINDOWS:3.0,4.x,5.x,7.0
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: April 6, 1999