XL: Using XY Scatter Chart to Plot More Than 4000 Data PointsID: Q151266
As referenced in the online Help topic "Charting specifications" for the
versions mentioned above, the maximum number of data points in a data
series is 4000. Microsoft Excel does not allow you to create a chart
with more than 4000 data points.
NOTE: In Microsoft Excel 97, two-dimensional charts such as X-Y scatter
charts can have up to 32000 data points per data series. If you need to
create a chart that contains more points, the steps shown below still
work in Microsoft Excel 97.
When you try to create a chart with more than 4000 data points, you
receive a "Maximum number of data points in a data series is 4000" error
message. Microsoft Excel then displays a chart that contains only the
first 4000 data points. However, it is possible to create an X-Y scatter
chart with more than 4000 data points. This can be done by creating an X-
Y scatter chart with the first 4000 data points, and then copying and
pasting the additional data points as a new data series and appending it
to the first series.
Use the following steps to create an X-Y Scatter chart with more than
4000 data points:
For more information about Charting Specifications, search on the phrase "Charting specifications" using the Microsoft Excel Help Index.
Additional query words: 5.00a 5.00c
Keywords : xlchart
Version : 5.00 5.00c 7.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: May 2, 1999