XL: Versions of Quattro Pro Supported in Microsoft ExcelID: Q147643
The Help file for Microsoft Excel states that Excel can open all file
formats that are generated by Quattro Pro for Windows, and that for MS-DOS
versions of Quattro Pro, Microsoft Excel opens only Quattro Pro for MS-DOS
version 5.0 files.
This information is incorrect. Excel 7.0 and Excel 97 can open Quattro Pro
for MS-DOS files (*.WQ1) and files from Quattro Pro for Windows, versions
5.0 and earlier (*.WB1). Microsoft Excel cannot open Quattro Pro for
MS-DOS, version 6.0, files (*.WQ2) or Quattro Pro for Windows, version
6.0, files (*.WB2).
Supplemental Quattro Pro converters are available on the OfficeUpdate site:
To obtain Quattro Pro converters, see the OfficeUpdate site:
The following table lists the Quattro Pro file formats and the support
Excel 7.0 and Excel 97 provide for these files.
Quattro Pro version Microsoft Excel support
DOS 1, 2, 3, 4 (wq1) Read/Write
DOS 5 (wq2) none
Windows 1, 5 (wb1) Read only
Windows 6 (wb2) none
For more information about converting Quattro Pro files, click the Index
tab in Microsoft Excel 97 Help, type the following text
Quattro Pro
Additional query words: 97 8.00
Keywords : kb3rdparty kbdocerr xlloadsave xl123Quattro xlwin
Version : WINDOWS:7.0,97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: May 24, 1999