XL3/XL4: Recent File List not Updated to Show Saved ChartID: Q104503
In the versions of Microsoft Excel listed above, the most recently used
file list, located at the bottom of the File menu, does not reflect the
name of a chart that is created from an embedded chart. When you save the
file as a separate file, the most recently used file list is not updated.
This behavior occurs for example when you create an embedded chart by using
the Chart Wizard. If you then activate the embedded chart so that it
appears in a Chart Window and save the Chart, the name of the Chart file
does not appear at the bottom of the File menu. This behavior does not
occur when you create and save a chart file that was not an embedded chart.
Note that this behavior does not occur in Microsoft Excel versions 5.0 or
later. In later versions of Microsoft Excel, when you activate an embedded
chart object, the chart does not open in a separate chart window.
"User's Guide 1," version 4.0, page 56
Additional query words: 4.00a M_eXceL
Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.0,4.0,4.0a; OS/2:3.0; MACINTOSH:3.0,4.0
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: April 7, 1999